DTDrizzle Team
Created by zamachnoi on 12/13/2023 in #help
How can I close connections after a query is done
When Hot-Reloading I get a bunch of extra connections, and eventually I run out of connections. This is on dev btw This may not be cause by hot reload, i am unsure when running SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity; in Supabase I see a bunch of connections that are running the same queries all from postgres.js even after the api call is done. The connections are then stuck on idle
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/postgres-js'
import postgres from 'postgres'
import * as schema from './schema'

// Define the type for the drizzle database instance
type PostgresJsDatabase = ReturnType<typeof drizzle> & {
// Include the types or methods that drizzle provides, based on your schema

// Initialize the database connection
function initialize(): PostgresJsDatabase {
if (!process.env.DATABASE_URL) {
throw new Error('DATABASE_URL not set')

const connectionString = process.env.DATABASE_URL
const sql = postgres(connectionString)
return drizzle(sql, { schema }) as PostgresJsDatabase

// Singleton instance
let dbInstance: PostgresJsDatabase | null = null

// Singleton accessor function
function singleton(): PostgresJsDatabase {
if (!dbInstance) {
dbInstance = initialize()
return dbInstance

// Use the singleton pattern for both development and production
const db = singleton()

export default db
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/postgres-js'
import postgres from 'postgres'
import * as schema from './schema'

// Define the type for the drizzle database instance
type PostgresJsDatabase = ReturnType<typeof drizzle> & {
// Include the types or methods that drizzle provides, based on your schema

// Initialize the database connection
function initialize(): PostgresJsDatabase {
if (!process.env.DATABASE_URL) {
throw new Error('DATABASE_URL not set')

const connectionString = process.env.DATABASE_URL
const sql = postgres(connectionString)
return drizzle(sql, { schema }) as PostgresJsDatabase

// Singleton instance
let dbInstance: PostgresJsDatabase | null = null

// Singleton accessor function
function singleton(): PostgresJsDatabase {
if (!dbInstance) {
dbInstance = initialize()
return dbInstance

// Use the singleton pattern for both development and production
const db = singleton()

export default db
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