John Petrucci Blu
John Petrucci Blu
Created by John Petrucci Blu on 2/15/2024 in #❓┊help
Refresh table contents with Action
Ok, I've found what I'm missing. I should use the Action on the entire form, it was an error on Livewire component view. I'll leave here for future reference: <x-filament-panels::page> <div class="container w-1/2"> <form wire:submit="findAssets"> {{ $this->form }} <div class="my-4"> <x-filament::button type="submit" color="info"> Search </x-filament::button> </div> </form> </div> <div class="container w-1/2"> RESULTS @foreach ($results as $result) <li>{{ $result['ccid'] }}</li> @endforeach </div> <x-filament-actions::modals /> </x-filament-panels::page>
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