FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by FraudBuster on 9/26/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
GPS section for FE 24h server.
What satellites?
7 replies
FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by !Random Guy On The Internet on 9/27/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
what is gravity
11 replies
FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by zodiark (grey) on 9/26/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
Lets add gravity as a tag in here, (right now we have space, motion, earth, curvature, fakery, etc)
GrAbItY #cognitive-dissonance-⛓ just like rich evan
2 replies
FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by deleteduser12013030 on 9/21/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
what is the gravity meter?
Weird. Things don't accelerate relative to each other in free fall... That contradicts how acceleration works.
13 replies
FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by aus on 9/12/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
I want to know what the final experiment a former post mentioned is
He's just going to debunk his own globe projection, that's a waste of time. He litteraly said "it will debunks the AE map"
4 replies
FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by majin on 9/9/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
What are some of the more robust counter arguments to the retroreflector moon laser tests? Thanks
They always claim that refraction bends our laser. Why not here?
6 replies
FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by Gary Clampton on 8/21/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
Do gasses find its own level too, just like water?
Of course gasses find their own level. They spread out to fill the space available to them, but they don't just float off into what glober call "space". The air we breathe stay here because it's part of a contained system. If we weren't in a closed system, all of our atmosphere would escape into the "vacuum of space", which is just impossible under natural laws.
6 replies
FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by Omnivore on 8/30/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
Should Flat Earth be taught in school?
9 replies