actions: I can't tell if this is a bug or a feature
If I submit an action and then immediately re-route, the action is just gone. If the response is being streamed in, I can't observe the response on an effect from a component higher up than both the current and target routes.
When I don't navigate, the effect in the higher component can see the data - no problem, but when a navigation occurs while the data is being streamed in, the effect stops reacting to the new content coming in.
Remix had a similar issue with fetcher's (remix submissions) lifetime being tied to component lifecycle. They recently changed it with a future flag called
Is there an intended way to get around this? If so, I'd love some help guys.25 replies
How do I disable codesplitting?
Hey, I have a very basic SolidStart app. How do I disable ALL codesplitting? I have SSR turned off, and would like to have a setup where the app simply loads an index.html file that loads all of the JS the app needs ahead of time during initial load. Thanks in advanced!!
2 replies