Radu Dascalu
Radu Dascalu
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Created by Radu Dascalu on 3/19/2024 in #✋|help
Custom build script crashing
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Created by Radu Dascalu on 12/16/2023 in #✋|help
Failing to deploy pnpm monorepo but was successful before
Hi, I'm new to railway so please bear with me. I have a learning side project which I organized in a monorepo (https://github.com/duckradu/kameleon.social). I managed to deploy the 2 apps I have, fastify backend and solid-start frontend, about 8 days ago. Since then I have made lots of changes to my project. The biggest updates were - I noticed that I did not have a pnpm-workspace.yaml so I created one, I updated the minimum engine version required in package.json for both apps to be node >= 20 and lastly, decided to add a new railway service for a Posgres database. Now I am trying to deply the monorepo but both apps fail. Looking through the logs my best guess is that it doesn't use pnpm (anymore?).
42 replies