DIAdiscord.js - Imagine a bot
Created by ekansh on 12/31/2023 in #djs-questions
VPS turns off after discord bot didnt get permissions to send messages in a server.
im getting this error :
rawError: { message: 'Missing Permissions', code: 50013 },
code: 50013,
status: 403,
method: 'POST',
url: 'https://discord.com/api/v10/channels/1189190604203233390/messages'
rawError: { message: 'Missing Permissions', code: 50013 },
code: 50013,
status: 403,
method: 'POST',
url: 'https://discord.com/api/v10/channels/1189190604203233390/messages'
this is my error handling code :
try {
await handleBotResponse(message, contentWithoutMention); // Moved bot response handling here
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);

if (error.response && error.response.status === 403) {
// Handle Missing Permissions error (code 50013) by logging without stopping the bot
console.error('Bot is missing permissions in this channel');
message.channel.send('Sorry, I don\'t have the necessary permissions to respond in this channel.');
} else {
// Log other errors and inform the user
console.error('Unhandled error occurred:', error);
message.channel.send('Sorry, I encountered an error while processing your request.');
} catch (outerError) {
console.error('Unhandled exception in messageCreate event handler:', outerError);
try {
await handleBotResponse(message, contentWithoutMention); // Moved bot response handling here
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);

if (error.response && error.response.status === 403) {
// Handle Missing Permissions error (code 50013) by logging without stopping the bot
console.error('Bot is missing permissions in this channel');
message.channel.send('Sorry, I don\'t have the necessary permissions to respond in this channel.');
} else {
// Log other errors and inform the user
console.error('Unhandled error occurred:', error);
message.channel.send('Sorry, I encountered an error while processing your request.');
} catch (outerError) {
console.error('Unhandled exception in messageCreate event handler:', outerError);
is my bot going offline after permissions error my VPS fault or discord.js's fault?? i am so confused i just want it to log it in console or the channel that it is missing permissions and continue working and not going offline instantly.
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