Created by Senzenfrenz on 6/30/2024 in #🆘┃support
"gnome-initial-setup" user
Thank you very much!
13 replies
Created by Senzenfrenz on 6/30/2024 in #🆘┃support
"gnome-initial-setup" user
Which is now solved aswell deleted it with damin rights aswell
13 replies
Created by Senzenfrenz on 6/30/2024 in #🆘┃support
"gnome-initial-setup" user
tried with sudo and it's gone now! So thanks! But the home folder is still present
13 replies
Created by Senzenfrenz on 6/30/2024 in #🆘┃support
"gnome-initial-setup" user
~]$ userdel -r gnome-initial-setup userdel: Permission denied. userdel: /etc/passwd konnte nicht gesperrt werden; versuchen Sie es später noch einmal.
13 replies
Created by Senzenfrenz on 6/30/2024 in #🆘┃support
"gnome-initial-setup" user
Do you know how I can get rid of it (just a minor thing, but would be more clean)
13 replies
Created by Grogu on 6/7/2024 in #🆘┃support
akshara update hanging
Ah I see main repo is down
10 replies
Created by Grogu on 6/7/2024 in #🆘┃support
akshara update hanging
I tried to update sudo akshara update after editing packaes in system.yaml. But I get :: Synchronizing package databases... core is up to date extra is up to date breakfast.db failed to download error: failed retrieving file 'breakfast.db' from : SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired error: failed to synchronize all databases (unexpected error)
10 replies
Created by Senzenfrenz on 4/16/2024 in #🆘┃support
Container installs no package
I am of course not a very advanced user but at this point I think I must consider my OS broken must be that my installation of Tor (which was just from the arch repo itself) broke it because before it everything was working. Or the os broke itself somehow.
14 replies
Created by Senzenfrenz on 4/16/2024 in #🆘┃support
Container installs no package
Can I do anything about that myself, check some stuff or restore previous state of the system or something like that? Btw "attempting to acquire system lock" takes for ages (but nothing is updated in the background as far as "journalctl -xeu akshara -f" goes
14 replies
Created by Senzenfrenz on 4/16/2024 in #🆘┃support
Container installs no package
Now by the time of writing I cant do pretty much anything cant create containers, cant do sudo system install or system remove stuff. In this case no matter which package I want to install directly to the system it gives me: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files) torbrowser-launcher: /etc/apparmor.d/torbrowser.Browser.firefox exists in filesystem torbrowser-launcher: /etc/apparmor.d/torbrowser.Tor.tor exists in filesystem torbrowser-launcher: /etc/apparmor.d/tunables/torbrowser exists in filesystem Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded. So I guess installing Tor wasnot the best Idea? But I cant remove it aswell because system remove says that tor is not installed so not can be removed but it is installed and works 😄
14 replies
Created by Senzenfrenz on 4/16/2024 in #🆘┃support
Container installs no package
I tried to reinstall the container which aswell did not work: I get: chmod: cannot access '/usr/local/bin/host-spawn': No such file or directory chmod: cannot access '/etc/sudo.conf': No such file or directory chmod: cannot access '/usr/bin/sudo': No such file or directory chmod: cannot access '/usr/bin/sudo /usr No such file or directory and other stuff which while writing this container gave a ton of error messages and finally closed itself so I coud not type all the stuff that went wrong here but basically in the end it said "failed to create container"
14 replies
Created by Senzenfrenz on 4/16/2024 in #🆘┃support
Container installs no package
Ok thank you I try that
14 replies
Created by Senzenfrenz on 4/16/2024 in #🆘┃support
Container installs no package
Sure I am in the container shell, theres no db.lck at the mentioned directory, already tried
14 replies
Created by Senzenfrenz on 3/30/2024 in #🆘┃support
v3 backdoor what does that mean
ok thanks
12 replies