Created by johny7 on 10/19/2023 in #❓┊help
GMail Mailer for laravel/filament
Moin together, I have now searched the web for various keywords, but can't find a solution for sending mail in laravel/filament with GMail. There is a solution for workspace organizations (, but none for sending mails with my private email address from GoogleMail. Old instructions refer to smtp with ssl or tls, but that is deactivated by Google since may 2022. It can't be that I'm the first one who needs this. How do you handle this?
4 replies
Created by johny7 on 10/10/2023 in #❓┊help
How to call the second action after submitting the first action-form?
Moin together. I have on an edit page of a resource 4 header-actions with modal forms. I want to offer the possibility to jump directly to the modal form of the next header-action after submitting one of these forms. The wizard steps are not enough for me, because I don't see (at least not yet) a possibility to save the data already when changing the step. I can call ->extraModalFooterActions() for example ->makeModalSubmitAction() to save the form. But how do I get it to call the next modal directly afterwards without defining the whole form as sub-modal again? Finally, I have defined the 4 header-actions with their forms on the page. I have tried ->extraAttributes(['wire:target' => '']) and various functions, so far without success. Thanks in advance for the suggestions.
8 replies
Created by johny7 on 9/29/2023 in #❓┊help
Use filament custom theme without npm/node
Hello everyone, is it possible, to use a custom theme in filament without npm? My webspace provider don't provide node. So I can use purely php. But when creating and registering a new custom template, this template works only during running npm run dev. So, when it's possible, what I have to do? I don't find anything about this in the docs neither via google search. Thanks in advance
14 replies