Created by Steff on 11/2/2024 in #❓┊help
Action works fast but modal window hangs?
->action(function ($record) {
$service = new MyService();
$result = $service->myServiceClass($record->id);
// dd($result); up to here is fast, the action is ready
// then the modal window hangs also without Notification
->action(function ($record) {
$service = new MyService();
$result = $service->myServiceClass($record->id);
// dd($result); up to here is fast, the action is ready
// then the modal window hangs also without Notification
does anyone have any ideas as to why this could be?
8 replies
Created by Steff on 10/21/2024 in #❓┊help
table row action to run a job?
I'm loocking for a table row action to run a job (script, service class...). I have a job (command) and i want run it with a click of a table row action. I need the record id in the script. i think the biggest challenge is the output of the success/failure message? how can i simply call a script is there an easy way? Something like that:
Action::make('run something')
->requiresConfirmation() // with or without
->action(fn ([Model] $record) => $record->[ run a job ])
Action::make('run something')
->requiresConfirmation() // with or without
->action(fn ([Model] $record) => $record->[ run a job ])
Does anyone have a tip for me?
11 replies
Created by Steff on 10/10/2024 in #❓┊help
Saas with filament
Which saas tool is recommended for filament (classic variant option 1,2,3). (My roles and permissens will be create with shield.) Or a Panel for any saas option? What can or should I consider at the beginning of a filament project in case I want to make a saas out of it later? Or should I start with a saas shell at the beginning of a project? There are a tutorial?
8 replies
Created by Steff on 10/5/2024 in #❓┊help
CustomersPanelProvider in Breezy? Why Customers and not AdminPanel...
I have a fresh filament project and i wanna configure breezy. First adding the class to your Filament Panel's plugin() But i dont have a CustomersPanelProvider ? Can i use AdminPanelProvider or i have to create a Customer(s)-Panel.? Next ->authGuard('customers'), same questiion.
11 replies
Created by Steff on 10/5/2024 in #❓┊help
Activate stephenjude-two-factor-authentication?
hi, i tried stephenjude-two-factor-authentication. I think it works. I can enable (and disable) 2FA but doesnt matter, there is no effect after logout / login. I dont have to put in a code. Maybe the reason is the code in user.php.
public function canAccessPanel(Panel $panel): bool
if ($panel->getId() === 'admin') {
// return $this->hasRole('super_admin'); // placeholder
return TRUE;

public function canAccessPanel(Panel $panel): bool
if ($panel->getId() === 'admin') {
// return $this->hasRole('super_admin'); // placeholder
return TRUE;

The 2fa is presumably ignored as result. But how do I integrate the 2fa there with canAcessPanel?
16 replies
Created by Steff on 7/9/2024 in #❓┊help
Do i realy have to create a new model AND migration to use Filament Breezy plugin?
2 replies
Created by Steff on 7/7/2024 in #❓┊help
Clusters: Account Settings with Sub-Navigation has changed?
This filamentexample, its not up to date? The php artisan make:filament-page ProfileSettings --type=custom ask not for name space. It asked for panel id and resource. What is the right way now? I got also an
Cannot declare class App\Filament\User\Pages\ChangePassword, because the name is already in use
Cannot declare class App\Filament\User\Pages\ChangePassword, because the name is already in use
error. But i am not sure if this is the reason.
3 replies
Created by Steff on 7/7/2024 in #❓┊help
Fila Starter Kit installation error
I would like to install . The installation with ´´´composer create-project --prefer-dist raugadh/fila-starter example-app´´´ abort with an error:
@php artisan project:init


SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) (Connection: mysql, SQL: select table_name as `name`, (data_length + index_length) a s `size`, table_comment as `comment`, engine as `engine`, table_collation as `collation` from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'test' and table_type in ('BASE TABLE', 'SYSTEM VERSIONED') order by table_name)
@php artisan project:init


SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) (Connection: mysql, SQL: select table_name as `name`, (data_length + index_length) a s `size`, table_comment as `comment`, engine as `engine`, table_collation as `collation` from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'test' and table_type in ('BASE TABLE', 'SYSTEM VERSIONED') order by table_name)
(Add Database Credentials comes later) Any idea?
2 replies
Created by Steff on 7/3/2024 in #❓┊help
Is it possible to handle a description from a related table?
Is it possible to handle a description from a related table? The relationship is there.
->description(fn(Table_1 $record): string => $record->table_2.field),
->description(fn(Table_1 $record): string => $record->table_2.field),
( ->table_2.field doesnt work )
7 replies
Created by Steff on 6/29/2024 in #❓┊help
Specific partly output of a text column.I know the ->limit(50) method.I need a
I know the ->limit(15) method. But i need another output. E.g. the original value is "A1234567" and I want to output "A67" Something like that: ``` $string = 'A1234567' $string2 = '**' strlen($string) $string3 = $string2($string, 0 , strlen($string) - 3) echo substr($string, 0, 1) . $string3 . substr($string, -2); output: 'A*67' ``` But how in filament. Probably something with formatStateUsing.
18 replies