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KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by SheldonFromBBT on 5/12/2024 in #front-end
Make height of a scrolling div less than certain height (with calc())
Hey there, am facing this issue where my main div doesn't stay on the certain specified height which should be less than some other element, in this example it should be min-h-[calc(100dvh-2.5rem)], where 2.5rem is height of a navbar located at bottom with fixed position, What I want to achieve is that main div should be scrollable without its bottom content getting overlapped with the navbar The main thing is that it works untill more elements are added where it becomes scrollable A playground will make you understand better - Thanks!
13 replies
Created by SheldonFromBBT on 2/28/2024 in #help
The new and updated version for using handler with Deno.serve()
Hey there! am getting a error when I pass handler to Deno.serve(), Here is what am doing : Deno.serve(io.handler(), { port: 3000, }); Additional code for refrence : import { Server } from ""; const io = new Server({ cors: { origin: [ "https://localhost:5173", ], credentials: true, methods: ["GET", "POST"], }, });
18 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by SheldonFromBBT on 1/11/2024 in #front-end
Overflowing issues ( Height related )
Hey there! I am having this issue where my content inside the div is overflowing, I am totally unsure and clueless why is this happening. Here this is the screen recording of actual site, and what is happening, I have this div inside of main tag, and dummy text to illustrate whats happening, blue background is to show the real overflowing problem, Thanks
24 replies