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CDCloudflare Developers
Created by maddsua on 12/7/2024 in #general-help
[dashboard] Certificate override bug
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4 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by maddsua on 7/20/2024 in #workers-help
Worker script gets minified twice
I got a weird error where a JSX rendered in prod doesn't have correct html line breaks. Upon further inspection I discovered that when code that's been previously minified by esbuild gets deployed to workers it somehow misses ALL line breaks in string literals which causes the issue. I'm using a custom JSX renderer, that's why it wasn't caught earlier I think. It is a requirement for the project. The code is deployed using Cloudflare API. Any suggestions how to fix this? Also, for some reason I can't PUT any non-minified scripts, CF just says that those don't have exported fetch handler which is simply not true
1 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by maddsua on 3/18/2024 in #pages-help
Cannot setup a domain for Pages project
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32 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by maddsua on 3/13/2024 in #workers-help
Rejections in execution context and dashboard error count
If a promise that's been passed to ctx.waitUntil() throws, will it be reflected as an error in Workers Dashboard? I'd figure it out myself, but the test worker still pretends that it didn't receive anything and the dashboard just shows 0 requests 😀
2 replies
Created by maddsua on 2/23/2024 in #❓-help
Procedure specific custom headers
I'm using recaptcha to protect some of the procedures, and I'm used to sending challenge tokens as headers - this way the don't dangle in actual request data. It's and Astro + trpc fetch project and the server part gives me no issues, but I can't figure out how to run recaptcha and set that header only on some of the procedures. The example shown in the docs would add headers or run function for all of them, and I don't need that
12 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by maddsua on 12/26/2023 in #general-help
How to setup mailchannels integration on Cloudflare Pages app with a custom domain?
I made it work on workers, nothing complicated there, but it doesn't seem to work with pages. Mailchannels just returns Error: Mailchannels API rejected: Failed to send email: 550 5.7.1 This sender is not authorized to send from.... I've set up the _mailchannels TXT record like this v=mc1 and it still does not work with the custom domain.
14 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by maddsua on 12/23/2023 in #general-help
Quick question about CPU limit on Pages Functions
I'm running an Astro app and it's not unusual for it's functions to run longer than 50ms (it was the old limit iirc). Now, there's a "No CPU limit set" and a button to change it. I just want to know how that works now, will longer requests be counted as multiple invocations or it's just Cloudflare being super generous lately xD
9 replies