Cannot setup a domain for Pages project

Pages custom domain setup asks me to transfer DNS management, but the domain is already managed by CF
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17 Replies
maddsuaOP•12mo ago
UPD: From API responses it seems like the domain is not in the zone (somehow?) For a bit more context, I was asked to move a site from a shared hosting to cloudflare pages, and I'm not sure if they did something wrong while moving the domain or something I think the client moved that domain to cloudflare yesterday, idk, maybe it hit some sort of a limit bc of that
Unsmart•12mo ago
Ah wait is the domain not on the same account? That might have an affect I mistook the second as trying to add to pages I would assume as long as you have the domain added on the pages project you can probably add the cname record which should be your domain and it should work @maddsua
maddsuaOP•12mo ago
Thing is, it doesn't. I already removed that cname but it wasn't working anyway and was giving some sort of "server failed to respond" error
Unsmart•12mo ago
hmm I didnt think it required domains to be on cloudflare at all even for apex just needed registrar to have cname flattening wonder if this changed :Hmmge: I assume then the domain and pages project are not on the same account?
maddsuaOP•12mo ago
well, cname method totally works for www subdomain this is a hard one, I think they are but I'm not sure lol like, it's added to domain management
Unsmart•12mo ago
If you go to the "websites" section which is just the main page is your domain listed there?
maddsuaOP•12mo ago
yeah it is in there active, with full dns setup
Unsmart•12mo ago
hmm thats really weird then whats the url?
maddsuaOP•12mo ago
My best guess is that somehow this domain didn't got added to the zone, whatever that may mean If I sniff CF's api responses for other domains when I try to add them it returns zone_tag among other fields, but for this one zone_tag is null one moment, I also want to try something ummm nope, didn't help 🤣 I tried to create a new pages application just to test that theory anyway
Chaika•12mo ago
(the restriction was always that it must be in the same cf account, added as a website, as the pages project)
Unsmart•12mo ago
Didnt know it had to be on cf but in this case it is same account so very strange
Chaika•12mo ago
you don't happen to have this domain in two accounts that your user has access to? I've got bit before by moving the domain from one account to another, leaving it in the old one pending, and it broke this in the same way
maddsuaOP•12mo ago
it can be the case actually, I'll talk to our sysadmin in the morning, they've been doing something with the domains before I got called in
Daniel Ray
Daniel Ray•12mo ago
Hello. I think what Chaika said does sound like it could be the cause, with the domain being on a different account to the account used for Cloudflare pages. Would it be possible to either setup Cloudflare pages on the same account or move that domain across?
maddsuaOP•12mo ago
Hi! I'm not sure if you have seen my other messages, but the thing is that both domain and the pages project are on exactly the same cloudflare account oh lol they indeed left that domain in the other account
maddsuaOP•12mo ago
how interesting
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maddsuaOP•12mo ago
boom, instantly activated thanks for the advice, it was totally the case

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