Created by paul_89142 on 8/24/2023 in #❓┊help
Call Component function from Action button
is it possible to have an Action that when clicked calls a method on the component passing in the row's record (or just id of that row's record)? I cant find an example and currently when i click it reloads the whole page. context... I have a seperate audio-player component that I want to pass a new src route to based on the row record. I have a working Table component to which i want to add an action that changes a public variable (on that tabel component) something like:
$parent = $this;

Action::make('play')->icon('heroicon-o-play')->action(fn (Media $record) => $parent->setSrc($record)),
$parent = $this;

Action::make('play')->icon('heroicon-o-play')->action(fn (Media $record) => $parent->setSrc($record)),
fyi: earlier in the code i define $parent
public function table(TableComponent $table): TableComponent
$parent = $this;
public function table(TableComponent $table): TableComponent
$parent = $this;
the issue i have is that clicking the play button triggers a reload of the page, so even though i set the public livewire component variable $src it reloads and gets set back to '#' . thanks. Paul.
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