Created by ScrubsCJourney on 4/11/2024 in #help
✅ The minimum…
I’m sure this has been asked before. Been in IT for 20+ years, took a burnout break a couple years ago. Decided on a career change possibly. Over the yeses I’ve learned html,css and a teeny bit of js. But really nothing of note to produce anything. But enough to say I should plow through and not give up now. A friend who has started getting his business actually going wants me to keep going as he knows there’s a spark of potential. Now the question becomes, how much actual C# knowledge should I have under belt to feel confident in hitting dotnet in the web space? 40%,50%,60%. You see where I’m going here. As an IT I’ve never had to master master anyone particular technology because it just doesn’t work that way. And from my Reddit reading, etc., etc., yeah I know. Reddit. They’re always seems to be a certain minimum to feel productive and be productive in any language etc. 
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