✅ The minimum…

I’m sure this has been asked before. Been in IT for 20+ years, took a burnout break a couple years ago. Decided on a career change possibly. Over the yeses I’ve learned html,css and a teeny bit of js. But really nothing of note to produce anything. But enough to say I should plow through and not give up now. A friend who has started getting his business actually going wants me to keep going as he knows there’s a spark of potential. Now the question becomes, how much actual C# knowledge should I have under belt to feel confident in hitting dotnet in the web space? 40%,50%,60%. You see where I’m going here. As an IT I’ve never had to master master anyone particular technology because it just doesn’t work that way. And from my Reddit reading, etc., etc., yeah I know. Reddit. They’re always seems to be a certain minimum to feel productive and be productive in any language etc. 
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Unknown User3mo ago
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ScrubsCJourney3mo ago
Yeah, that’s kinda what I was expecting as answer. Which is perfectly fine, really appreciate it!
SpReeD3mo ago
To add my 2 cents to it; consider the programming language as a tool for solving logic programs, Meaning the field is called computer science which involves all tools to solve problems. I, myself, ended up with using C# and specializing in it, but I started by writing mIRC scripts and TC-Language just for fun. Once you've learned how to solve a problem in one language, you can solve it in any other, since they all have one thing in common, they follow logic patterns, like math. 1+1 will always equal 2, no matter the language, the platform or whatever. It's up to you and how much dedication you put in a field; don't see it as a job, but more like an interest, a hobby, the more you train, the better you get. And considering how large the field of computer science is, it's impossible for one individual to get everything to know. Pretty much like the field of medicine. Try different things out and stick with you have the most fun with. You've tried the basic webstack, add PHP to it, learn the syntax, next up learn OOP; PHP is great for it, since by it's nature it's sequential, but after PHP4 it does support OOP. Add a database connection, learn about databases, what is a schema, a database, etc. Learn the best-practice rules/paradigms, like KISS, YAGNI and DRY. Follow the rule "I don't need to be a good programmer, but a programmer with good habits" - stick to code conventions and design-patterns, later on. Write something that works in first place, treat as 70% done, refactor the code to best-practice paradigms, the last 30% takes 3x times than reaching 70% (working code). Take small steps, meaning milestones, your first goal shouldn't be to write the next big thing. Take a step at the time, gain some serotonin by reaching the next step.
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