•Created by Xaiter on 9/16/2024 in #questions
Selectors Not Working With Vanilla gamemode Command In 1.21
Encountered a very strange issue with 1.21.1
Example command that worked in 1.20.4:
/execute as @a[tag=goingToSpawn] run gamemode adventure @s
And, as expected, Minecraft would iterate through each player included in the selector and execute the command as them and properly set their gamemode.
However, as of 1.21.1... It doesn't matter WHAT arguments are fed to the gamemode
command. It always, only, ever targets the person to sent the command. I've even tried:
/execute run gamemode adventure @a[tag=goingToSpawn]
/execute as @a[tag=goingToSpawn] run gamemode adventure
But it will always target ME. I don't have the tag, I'm not the subject of it. I'm certain the selectors are working properly because this command works correctly:
/execute as @a[tag=goingToSpawn] run say hello
And that properly targets the dummy and prints the text as expected. Did the /gamemode
command break in 1.21? What the heck is going on?4 replies