DTDrizzle Team
Created by Jitendra on 4/15/2024 in #help
where clause when using 'with' in relational mode
Hey there. I am sqlite (turso) schema course table
export const course = sqliteTable("course", {
id: text("id")
.$defaultFn(() => createId())
title: text("title").notNull(),
slug: text("slug").unique().notNull(),
description: text("description"),
createdAt: text("created_at").default(sql`CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`),
updatedAt: text("updated_at"),

export const courseRelations = relations(course, ({ many, one }) => ({
courseMember: many(courseMember),
export const course = sqliteTable("course", {
id: text("id")
.$defaultFn(() => createId())
title: text("title").notNull(),
slug: text("slug").unique().notNull(),
description: text("description"),
createdAt: text("created_at").default(sql`CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`),
updatedAt: text("updated_at"),

export const courseRelations = relations(course, ({ many, one }) => ({
courseMember: many(courseMember),
export const courseMember = sqliteTable(
courseId: text("course_id")
.references(() => course.id),
userId: text("user_id")
.references(() => user.id),
role: text("role", { enum: ["owner", "admin", "teacher"] }).notNull(),
(table) => {
return {
pk: primaryKey({ columns: [table.courseId, table.userId] }),

export const courseMemberRelations = relations(courseMember, ({ one }) => ({
user: one(user, {
fields: [courseMember.userId],
references: [user.id],
course: one(course, {
fields: [courseMember.courseId],
references: [course.id],
export const courseMember = sqliteTable(
courseId: text("course_id")
.references(() => course.id),
userId: text("user_id")
.references(() => user.id),
role: text("role", { enum: ["owner", "admin", "teacher"] }).notNull(),
(table) => {
return {
pk: primaryKey({ columns: [table.courseId, table.userId] }),

export const courseMemberRelations = relations(courseMember, ({ one }) => ({
user: one(user, {
fields: [courseMember.userId],
references: [user.id],
course: one(course, {
fields: [courseMember.courseId],
references: [course.id],
Course member is a join table between the course and userId a user can have many courses and a course can have multiple user with a role I want to fetch the courseMember and their related course. But I also want to use the search functionality. So how can I use the where clause inside with
const memberCourses = await db.query.courseMember.findMany({
where: eq(courseMember.userId, currentUser.userId),
with: {
course: {
// getting typescript error here. No `where` as suggestion from typescript
const memberCourses = await db.query.courseMember.findMany({
where: eq(courseMember.userId, currentUser.userId),
with: {
course: {
// getting typescript error here. No `where` as suggestion from typescript
I need your help regarding this
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