DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
•Created by wafa_athmani on 4/29/2024 in #📦-middleware-and-os
wanna ask if this model is good or not , i used fnn feedforward neural network with 2 layers
How did you split your data? Is the data unseen by the model? And is the accuracy the weighted accuracy? Plot a confusion matrix to see the accuracies of each class. You can for example have a very high accuracy if your data is unbalanced. So difficult to say if your model is performing well based on this graphs only 😉!
5 replies
DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
•Created by pemcilwarrior12 on 5/13/2024 in #📦-middleware-and-os
Can someone tell me if my machine learning model is overfitting or not ?
It is difficult to determine only on the confusion matrix if your model is overfitting. What data is the confusion matrix representing? Only your validation data? Is the validation data unseen? How did you split the data? Is the data balanced? I suggest you first have a look at your loss curves. Check out this article:
10 replies