Miguel García
Toggle component afterStateUpdated event does not fire on false
Hi, the after state update event is not triggered when you switch from on ("1") to off (""). The Select component, when the 'placeholder' option is selected does not fire the event either. Is this a bug? Is there a way to fire the event when the Toggle is se to off?
2 replies
Select afterStateUpdated does not fire when selection is cleared
When the select component is set to native HTML5 and you choose the placeholder option ('Select an option' option) then afterStateUpdated event raises with $status null, but if you set the select component to JavaScript and you click the x button afterStateUpdated is not fired and the placeholder option can't be selected even if you use ->selectablePlaceholder(true)
Is there any chance to catch the null option or at least when the user clicks the cross button to clear the selection?
25 replies