Custom Action from Relation Manager
In a normal edit, I have no problem creating a custom action, by adding \Actions\Action::make in getHeaderActions.
I wish to do the same to an edit of a RelationManager but have 2 problems:
1) Edit is popping up a modal and I can't work out how to add a custom action inside a modal - am I able to add a custom action button in the same way?
2) I cannot work out how to force it to use a standard edit rather than a modal - how can I force it not to use a modal?
Thank you 🙂
1 replies
Same field entered in varying formats
Is it possible for me to enter a field as a string or as a date, depending upon another field.
I have tried the following which shows the correct input, however, if the TextInput is shown, the contents are blank:
TextInput::make('value')->visible(function($record) {return ($record->type!=='date');}),
DatePicker::make('value')->visible(function($record) {return ($record->type==='date');}),
4 replies
Notification bell missing
Hi folks
I have upgraded from 3.0 to 3.2 and tried out the excellent new export feature. All works great, except that the notification bell doesn't appear, so the user isn't notified of the download being ready. (the initial message saying it is queued works fine and the export is generated too).
3 replies