Created by Crisis2k on 12/30/2024 in #β“β”Šhelp
Form builder - general validation error?
Hello πŸ‘‹ New to Filament here, working my first real project! πŸŽ‰ I'm getting stuck on what seems to be an easy issue, so not sure if I'm getting things wrong, or simply not finding the required info (been on this for 3hrs already 😒 ). What I'm trying to do is generate a global form error, is that possible? In this instance, I'm checking if any of my fields are filled, if not I want to display a validation error (globally). Looked through $form->... couldn't find anything. Then found mutateFormDataBeforeCreate() on CreateClientContact but something doesn't feel right, really feel like I'm missing something obvious here? Hope someone can help me keep a few hairs! πŸ˜† Thanks, Chris
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