Created by droppysee08 on 11/13/2023 in #❓┊help
How to access Parent data to relation manager?
I want to access the parent data from edit page in the ralation manager and do some custom actions
4 replies
Created by droppysee08 on 11/13/2023 in #❓┊help
Stancl/tenancy synced resource with filament attach
Hi guys i use the attach function of filament to attach user in a tenant, but the sync resource does not emit, is this a bug in stancl/tenacy v3? can anyone confirm it?i am clueless for 6 hours till now, ahaha, the weired thing is it work when i use directly using tinker and attach the user to tenant.
2 replies
Created by droppysee08 on 11/7/2023 in #❓┊help
Filament 3 with Stancl/Tenancy
Hey everyone, has anyone tried using Filament 3 with multiple databases and exclusively for tenants? I'm facing an issue where I want to use Filament 3 in tenants and create a separate Filament panel for the central domain. I attempted to set it up in the central domain, but when I tried to use it in a tenant and added 'PreventAccessFromCentralDomains' on the tenant panel, the styles and assets disappeared. Has anyone encountered a similar problem or found a solution for this?
20 replies