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SIASapphire - Imagine a framework
Created by Baylem on 2/11/2025 in #sapphire-support
Roles being removed directly after being assigned
Hey all, I'm not sure if this is a Discord.js, Sapphire or me thing so I figured I'd just post here: This is logging output:
DEBUG: Message Command - Unspecified Reason
DEBUG: Break Command - Start
DEBUG: Break Command - 417825368062558219
DEBUG: Break Command - 223510183299514369
DEBUG: Break Command - User {
id: '223510183299514369',
bot: false,
system: false,
flags: UserFlagsBitField { bitfield: 256 },
username: 'elidinis',
globalName: 'Elidinis',
discriminator: '0',
avatar: 'e456669281dcc57c8ada7c9ebc49e9ce',
banner: null,
accentColor: null,
avatarDecoration: null
DEBUG: User on break - true
DEBUG: Restoring User Roles
DEBUG: Roles to Assign: [
DEBUG: Hiatus role to remove: [
DEBUG: Break Command - Finish
DEBUG: Message Command - Finish
DEBUG: Message Command - Unspecified Reason
DEBUG: Break Command - Start
DEBUG: Break Command - 417825368062558219
DEBUG: Break Command - 223510183299514369
DEBUG: Break Command - User {
id: '223510183299514369',
bot: false,
system: false,
flags: UserFlagsBitField { bitfield: 256 },
username: 'elidinis',
globalName: 'Elidinis',
discriminator: '0',
avatar: 'e456669281dcc57c8ada7c9ebc49e9ce',
banner: null,
accentColor: null,
avatarDecoration: null
DEBUG: User on break - true
DEBUG: Restoring User Roles
DEBUG: Roles to Assign: [
DEBUG: Hiatus role to remove: [
DEBUG: Break Command - Finish
DEBUG: Message Command - Finish
Then this is the code: But for some reason, intermittently, it will assign back their roles then immediately remove them all (both Roles to Assign and the Hiatus Role) (I have not been able to reproduce this, see logging above as it provides accurate information, this was logs from an execution when it happened, the bottom Lines 225 -> 238 were not in play on the above execution as I just created that as hopefully a stopgap)
2 replies
SIASapphire - Imagine a framework
Created by Baylem on 2/8/2025 in #sapphire-support
Precondition variations
I feel really bad creating a thread for this, but just as a sanity check [['ModeratorOnly', 'EventStaffOnly'], 'BreakRoom'], Means (ModeratorOnly || EventStaffOnly) && BreakRoom right?
5 replies
SIASapphire - Imagine a framework
Created by Baylem on 7/3/2024 in #sapphire-support
Preconditions Help
preconditions: ['AllStaff', 'BreakRoom']
preconditions: ['AllStaff', 'BreakRoom']
The above means AllStaff AND BreakRoom right?
preconditions: [['AllStaff', 'BreakRoom']]
preconditions: [['AllStaff', 'BreakRoom']]
and then this would mean AllStaff OR BreakRoom?
5 replies
SIASapphire - Imagine a framework
Created by Baylem on 4/17/2024 in #sapphire-support
API Plugin Prefix
Hey all, for some reason my prefix isn't applying on the data paths This is my env file:
This is the line from the ServerOptions:
auth: parseApiAuth(),
prefix: envParseString('API_PREFIX', 'v1/'),
origin: envParseString('API_ORIGIN'),
listenOptions: { port: envParseInteger('API_PORT') }
auth: parseApiAuth(),
prefix: envParseString('API_PREFIX', 'v1/'),
origin: envParseString('API_ORIGIN'),
listenOptions: { port: envParseInteger('API_PORT') }
This is the user route in the routes folder:
export class UserRoute extends Route {
public constructor(context: Route.LoaderContext, options: Route.Options) {
super(context, {
route: 'hello-world'

public [methods.GET](_request: ApiRequest, response: ApiResponse) {
response.json({ message: 'Hello World' });

public [methods.POST](_request: ApiRequest, response: ApiResponse) {
response.json({ message: 'Hello World' });
export class UserRoute extends Route {
public constructor(context: Route.LoaderContext, options: Route.Options) {
super(context, {
route: 'hello-world'

public [methods.GET](_request: ApiRequest, response: ApiResponse) {
response.json({ message: 'Hello World' });

public [methods.POST](_request: ApiRequest, response: ApiResponse) {
response.json({ message: 'Hello World' });
So this means that it should be accessible on or localhost:4000/v1/hello-world correct? I'm only getting a response from and localhost:4000/hello-world I've read through the docs and am probably missing something simple, just been overlooking it I guess or I don't understand enough about the implementation, maybe this doesn't matter unless the environment is set up with to use that route
6 replies
SIASapphire - Imagine a framework
Created by Baylem on 4/7/2024 in #sapphire-support
Splitting Subcommand functions to multiple files
I have a command that has quite a few subcommands. I was wondering if there was any way to directly place a function in the messageRun chatInputRun entries so I could split the Subcommands into their own files/classes as the main command file is roughly 2.5k lines at the moment. I know I could just have each method inside of the class then call the other classes/files inside of it (which is what I'm currently doing), just wanted to see if there was a cleaner way. Is this possible?
subcommands: [
name: 'link',
messageRun: <function from other class here>
chatInputRun: <function from other class here>,
preconditions: ['AgeCheck'],
subcommands: [
name: 'link',
messageRun: <function from other class here>
chatInputRun: <function from other class here>,
preconditions: ['AgeCheck'],
what I'm currently doing:
subcommands: [
name: 'link',
messageRun: 'messageLink',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputLink',
preconditions: ['AgeCheck'],

public async messageLink(message: Message, args: Args) {
return Link.accountLink(message, args));

public async chatInputList(interaction: Subcommand.ChatInputCommandInteraction) {
return interaction.reply(await Link.accountLink(interaction, interaction.options))
subcommands: [
name: 'link',
messageRun: 'messageLink',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputLink',
preconditions: ['AgeCheck'],

public async messageLink(message: Message, args: Args) {
return Link.accountLink(message, args));

public async chatInputList(interaction: Subcommand.ChatInputCommandInteraction) {
return interaction.reply(await Link.accountLink(interaction, interaction.options))
4 replies
SIASapphire - Imagine a framework
Created by Baylem on 11/9/2023 in #sapphire-support
Issue with code not running after using'string') (NOT SAPPHIRE ISSUE)
public async messageLink(message: Message, args: Args) {
let region = 'na';
let summoner_name;

console.log('Message Content: ' + message.content);

if (message.content.split(' ').length > 2) {
const regionText = await args.pick('string');

console.log('Region Text: ' + regionText);
if (RiotUtil.isRegion(regionText)) {
region = regionText;
} else {
summoner_name = regionText;

console.log('Region 1: ' + region);
console.log('Summoner Name 1: ' + summoner_name);

if(summoner_name) {
console.log('region was not specified, combining all args');
summoner_name = summoner_name + await'string');
console.log('Summoner Name 1.5: ' + summoner_name);
} else {
console.log('region was specified, setting summoner name');
summoner_name = await'string');

console.log('Region 2: ' + region);
console.log('Summoner Name 2: ' + summoner_name);
public async messageLink(message: Message, args: Args) {
let region = 'na';
let summoner_name;

console.log('Message Content: ' + message.content);

if (message.content.split(' ').length > 2) {
const regionText = await args.pick('string');

console.log('Region Text: ' + regionText);
if (RiotUtil.isRegion(regionText)) {
region = regionText;
} else {
summoner_name = regionText;

console.log('Region 1: ' + region);
console.log('Summoner Name 1: ' + summoner_name);

if(summoner_name) {
console.log('region was not specified, combining all args');
summoner_name = summoner_name + await'string');
console.log('Summoner Name 1.5: ' + summoner_name);
} else {
console.log('region was specified, setting summoner name');
summoner_name = await'string');

console.log('Region 2: ' + region);
console.log('Summoner Name 2: ' + summoner_name);
} What am I missing here that is producing these results? Is this something weird with TypeScript or am I misunderstand Args. It seems to just stop running and doesn't get to the bottom two console log outputs, or even the one directly below the line of code
4 replies
SIASapphire - Imagine a framework
Created by Baylem on 11/7/2023 in #sapphire-support
Invoking Command method from other command
Hey all, I’m not really sure if this is a “Sapphire support” type of question more than a TypeScript one (I’m new to TS in general) But is there any way to invoke a commands messageRun or the designated method from say another command class (something like Java reflection/does sapphire have a command handler to grab the appropriate method?) or is the best way to extract the code to a new file then just call that from both commands? Basically I have a command which is: $account link <region> <account name> But I also have another command which is: $verify <region> <account name> or $verify <account name> Is there any way for me to just have the verify commands call the: $account link chat input method Or is the best way to just have like a Verification.ts and have the command logic in there and call that method from every command. Honestly just trying to minimize ts files if possible
8 replies
SIASapphire - Imagine a framework
Created by Baylem on 10/16/2023 in #sapphire-support
Sapphire json Configuration
So I arranged my packages like this below: and I changed my .sapphirerc.json to:
"projectLanguage": "ts",
"locations": {
"base": "src/sapphire",
"arguments": "arguments",
"commands": "commands",
"listeners": "listeners",
"preconditions": "preconditions",
"interaction-handlers": "interaction-handlers",
"routes": "routes"
"customFileTemplates": {
"enabled": false,
"location": ""
"projectLanguage": "ts",
"locations": {
"base": "src/sapphire",
"arguments": "arguments",
"commands": "commands",
"listeners": "listeners",
"preconditions": "preconditions",
"interaction-handlers": "interaction-handlers",
"routes": "routes"
"customFileTemplates": {
"enabled": false,
"location": ""
But it seems sapphire is not picking anything up, what other steps would I be missing? (side note its 2am so im probably just doing this wrong)
4 replies
SIASapphire - Imagine a framework
Created by Baylem on 8/28/2023 in #sapphire-support
Broken TypeScript command (from lack of knowledge of TS)
I'm attempting to create a command following the Sapphire wiki, but it seems that I can't get the command to work at all. Note: I am very new to Typescript, I am not familiar with the syntax or the proper form to do stuff, please be gentle
import {Subcommand} from '@sapphire/plugin-subcommands';
import {Args} from "@sapphire/framework";
import {Message} from "discord.js";

export class AccountCommand extends Subcommand {
public constructor(context: Subcommand.Context, options: Subcommand.Options) {
super(context, {
name: 'account',
aliases: ['acc', 'link', 'verify'],
description: 'Link to your Discord Account',
subcommands: [
name: 'link',
messageRun: 'messageLink',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputLink',
default: true
name: 'list',
messageRun: 'messageList',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputList'
name: 'unlink',
messageRun: 'messageUnlink',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputUnlink',

registerApplicationCommands(registry: Subcommand.Registry) {
registry.registerChatInputCommand((builder) =>
.addSubcommand((command) =>
.setDescription('Link your Discord Account')
.addStringOption((option) =>
option.setName('summoner').setDescription('Summoner Name').setRequired(true)
.addSubcommand((command) =>
.setDescription('View summoner names linked to your Discord Account')
.addSubcommand((command) =>
.setDescription('Unlink a summoner name from your Discord Account')
.addStringOption((option) =>
option.setName('summoner').setDescription('Summoner Name').setRequired(true)

/** START Link Subcommand **/
public async messageLink(message: Message, args: Args) {
return'Account Link')

public async chatInputLink(interaction: Subcommand.ChatInputCommandInteraction) {
return interaction.reply('Account Link Interaction');
/** END link Subcommand **/

/** START List Subcommand **/
public async messageList(message: Message, args: Args) {
return'Account List')

public async chatInputList(interaction: Subcommand.ChatInputCommandInteraction) {
return interaction.reply('Account List Interaction');
/** END List Subcommand **/

/** START Unlink Subcommand **/
public async messageUnlink(message: Message, args: Args) {
return'Account Unlink')

public async chatInputUnlink(interaction: Subcommand.ChatInputCommandInteraction) {
return interaction.reply('Account Unlink Interaction');
/** END Unlink Subcommand **/
import {Subcommand} from '@sapphire/plugin-subcommands';
import {Args} from "@sapphire/framework";
import {Message} from "discord.js";

export class AccountCommand extends Subcommand {
public constructor(context: Subcommand.Context, options: Subcommand.Options) {
super(context, {
name: 'account',
aliases: ['acc', 'link', 'verify'],
description: 'Link to your Discord Account',
subcommands: [
name: 'link',
messageRun: 'messageLink',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputLink',
default: true
name: 'list',
messageRun: 'messageList',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputList'
name: 'unlink',
messageRun: 'messageUnlink',
chatInputRun: 'chatInputUnlink',

registerApplicationCommands(registry: Subcommand.Registry) {
registry.registerChatInputCommand((builder) =>
.addSubcommand((command) =>
.setDescription('Link your Discord Account')
.addStringOption((option) =>
option.setName('summoner').setDescription('Summoner Name').setRequired(true)
.addSubcommand((command) =>
.setDescription('View summoner names linked to your Discord Account')
.addSubcommand((command) =>
.setDescription('Unlink a summoner name from your Discord Account')
.addStringOption((option) =>
option.setName('summoner').setDescription('Summoner Name').setRequired(true)

/** START Link Subcommand **/
public async messageLink(message: Message, args: Args) {
return'Account Link')

public async chatInputLink(interaction: Subcommand.ChatInputCommandInteraction) {
return interaction.reply('Account Link Interaction');
/** END link Subcommand **/

/** START List Subcommand **/
public async messageList(message: Message, args: Args) {
return'Account List')

public async chatInputList(interaction: Subcommand.ChatInputCommandInteraction) {
return interaction.reply('Account List Interaction');
/** END List Subcommand **/

/** START Unlink Subcommand **/
public async messageUnlink(message: Message, args: Args) {
return'Account Unlink')

public async chatInputUnlink(interaction: Subcommand.ChatInputCommandInteraction) {
return interaction.reply('Account Unlink Interaction');
/** END Unlink Subcommand **/
This is the command I created, the .js version worked, but when i moved it over to TypeScript it just stopped working entirely.
63 replies