✅ SignalR / Websockets
hi, i need to create app where u have x amount of chats, when u connect to chat, u can write messages and other ppl form same chat need to see it live, and all this without using any front-end, can anyone set me on the right path with some advices?
9 replies
✅ Server side or Client side?
Hi, finally i get to MVC and it looks much easier then work with minmal api, so i have some questions about it. should i use views for 100% of my htmlpages? like, as i get, cuz mvc is just part of net core, instead of return View() i can use app.UseDefaultFiles(); and i thing it gonna work without any problem, is it bad tone to mix ways of rendering? also, in old project i was requesting data with fetch and rendering it like this -
4 replies
✅ Controller routing in 2023
Hi, as I understand it, just like everything in programming, you can do one thing in many different ways. This also works to controller routing. There are lot of ways to route your controllers in a web app. What is the most common way to route them in 2023? Setting each method from Program.cs? route attribute? maybe just with method names?
32 replies
✅ Blazor or Razor pages
Hi chat, in my roadmap, i have razor pages after Asp.net core mvc, but i see lot of ppl talks about blazor and never seen someone was asking question about razor pages, what is blazor? (very shortyly) and is it better to replace razor pages with blazor, or jsut spend more time and learn both of them?
9 replies
✅ Fetch
hi 🙂 so, i have small problem with sending form with image to server, can someone please explain how to correctly do that? spend like 3 hours and not found anything useful about that 😦
that is endpoint for request, but have no clue how to send image with,
like, in case of registration i was sending it like -
but with images its a bit harder, tried with byte array but don't worked
70 replies
✅ Dark side
Hi, sooooo. Im building some web APIs, but when it comes to rendering data in html from js, its a bit annoying, like creating and appending all of these things, etc. So, I need some HTML builder, but very simple. Ive heard something about Mustache.js, or maybe there is something more relevant in 2023? And definitely not something like react.
9 replies