DTDrizzle Team
•Created by zev on 4/12/2024 in #help
Mysterious Postgres Schema Issue
I have the following
To generate the migration sql I run the following:
And then to complete the migration I run this:
This all works exactly as I would expect, and opening drizzle studio I see the correct columns.
But, for some reason when I switch the uuid from aId to bId it stops working.
In fact, everything I've tried changing it to has resulted in the same error:
I don't see any errors in the SQL code generated but i can send that if any of you think it would be useful. Additionally, I can send my dirzzle.config.ts, package.json, and a photo of my file structure.
Update: I just created a completely new project and was only partially able to reproduce the issue. It doesn't work with aId either now.4 replies