red creeper
red creeper
Created by red creeper on 3/17/2024 in #❓┊help
trying to implement crud functions
I'm trying to use filament to create new records in my subscriptions db table when I used textInput class in the subscriptionResource.php , I got the following error The "intl" PHP extension is required to use the [format] method. i tried to use composer to install intl but there's no such package
3 replies
Created by red creeper on 3/17/2024 in #❓┊help
USER Model is located in a diffrent path
I'm trying to log in my filament admin panel but when I click log in , an error pops up saying " Class "\App\Models\User" not found " , and they are right , because the user model is located at App/Console/Model/User , basically I want to know how to change the paths in the filament files so I can access the admin panel
11 replies
Created by red creeper on 10/21/2023 in #❓┊help
stats overview isn't working
i've been following the filament official site instructions on how to make a stat widget in the admin panel but the widget doesn't show up in the admin panel , I search it up on youtube and other sites but the widget still invisible . for more infos : my github repo
3 replies
Created by red creeper on 8/24/2023 in #❓┊help
filament resource doesn't show any data
I've start working with filament admin panel and as I was following the filament website I created a Product resource and when i checked the resource table i t shows the exact number of rows of my Product db table but with no data , when I checked the filament ProductResource.php i discovered that the column section in the table function is empty , do i have to hard code it by myself ?
9 replies