SolidJS Universal - How does the method of tree creation get chosen?
I took a look at the dom-expressions package again and was trying to work out exactly what it was doing as it calls the component functions, and I'm wondering if it has anything to do with how the tree is split into different components. If I move these elements from 3 Component into 1, the behavior changes:
This tree forms the same way as the first html tree sample I shared (depth first).
1 component:
this component forms in a breadth-first approach:
12 replies
SolidJS Universal - How does the method of tree creation get chosen?
Just to give an HTML example for better understanding, this tree will be created in a depth-first method:
This next example will be created in a breadth-first method:
I took a look into dom-expressions/universal (https://github.com/ryansolid/dom-expressions/blob/main/packages/dom-expressions/src/universal.js) and the complexity deterred me a little bit 😛
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