TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by Nikhil Kumaran S on 3/3/2025 in #dev-help
Nikhil Kumaran S - Hi @shikharTS, I have raised...
@Himanshu Arora - Can you please take a look here ?
4 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by sagilaufer on 2/27/2025 in #dev-help
sagilaufer - what is the recommended way switch...
Are you doing a full app embed and when moving from 1 page to another, you want different permissions ?
4 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by TomerLand on 2/27/2025 in #dev-help
TomerLand - Hello, I tried to add RLS on a cert...
Can you open a support ticket for this ?
2 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by Andy on 2/27/2025 in #dev-help
Andy - Hello. how do i remove the "Explore thi...
You can mention it in the ticket to them to disable all the onboarding experience
5 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by Andy on 2/27/2025 in #dev-help
Andy - Hello. how do i remove the "Explore thi...
Please open a support ticket and ask them to disable Explore this dashboard experience for you
5 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by Suvash on 2/18/2025 in #dev-help
Suvash - Hi Team, I am trying to access the /ap...
We will have @shikharTS in the call . he can help out on this
35 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by Suvash on 2/18/2025 in #dev-help
Suvash - Hi Team, I am trying to access the /ap...
Michelle would have also reached out to you both. I just pinged her again
35 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by Érico on 2/12/2025 in #dev-help
Érico - Hello guys!We're embedding our first T...
Let me check the HAR File. Ill probably have the call scheduled this week.
Adding @shikharTS so he is aware of this conversation
26 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by Florian Nègre on 2/18/2025 in #dev-help
Florian Nègre - Hello,Is it possible, when we...
@Himanshu Arora - Can you look at the request and put it in our roadmap ?
@Florian Nègre - Can you also put the idea in the community ?
5 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by sagilaufer on 2/20/2025 in #dev-help
sagilaufer - Hello. 2 questions for the SDK usa...
1. Currently we do not have a retry mechanism. Can you elaboarate more on how retyr will help you ?
2. We are working on rate limiting API Calls and its a work in progress. I dont have timelines as of now for this though
4 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by Suvash on 2/18/2025 in #dev-help
Suvash - Hi Team, I am trying to access the /ap...
Can you raise a ticket. I havent seen them respond so if you raise a support ticket, we can get the call sometime this week. Give reference to this slack thread and let me know I have asked for a call.
35 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by rumana-hf on 2/18/2025 in #dev-help
rumana-hf - When Customizing Links (https://dev...
Can you try the following additionalFlags (https://developers.thoughtspot.com/docs/Interface_SearchViewConfig#_additionalflags) :
This should disable redirection to new tabs while I figure out what exact settings are needed.
Can you please tell me if need these links to open your URL or if we just disable these links to open a new tab, you will be good
7 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by Suvash on 2/18/2025 in #dev-help
Suvash - Hi Team, I am trying to access the /ap...
Let me follow up with them
35 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by Érico on 2/12/2025 in #dev-help
Érico - Hello guys!We're embedding our first T...
Yes. I forgot to update you on Friday. I am seeing slow API calls in the hAR file that you shared. API calls that generally take 100-200 ms are taking upwards of a second. Can you verify the timing for theser API calls by directly opening your TS Instance. Let me know the timing there and based on that we can have a call
26 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by eric.silva on 2/20/2025 in #dev-help
eric.silva - Hello all. Does anyone have any i...
You can achieve this by hiding all the actions in the context menu. There are currently 4 options in context menu:
1. Show Underlying data
2. Filter
3. Drill down
4. SpotI Analyze
All of these can be hidden using hiddenActions. See: https://developers.thoughtspot.com/docs/Interface_SearchViewConfig#_hiddenactions
Action Interface:
2 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by sagilaufer on 2/20/2025 in #dev-help
sagilaufer - Hello. 2 questions for the SDK usa...
@sagilaufer - Just to clarify , we are talking about https://www.npmjs.com/package/@thoughtspot/rest-api-sdk ?
4 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by vmcafee on 2/17/2025 in #dev-help
vmcafee - Hi was the LiveboardUsers feature dep...
Yes, it might be possible that it was turned off for your cluster. Do check with Support on this. They can help out
5 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by Andy on 2/19/2025 in #dev-help
Andy - Hello,I have (many) questions about the...
Hey @Andy - I have just pinged your CSM. I feel we need to have a call to answer these questions.
3 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by Suvash on 2/18/2025 in #dev-help
Suvash - Hi Team, I am trying to access the /ap...
I have pinged the customer success team so they can setup a call. They should reach out asking for a time so we can go on a call to resolve
35 replies
TFDThoughtSpot For Developers
•Created by Suvash on 2/18/2025 in #dev-help
Suvash - Hi Team, I am trying to access the /ap...
From your Thoughtspot instance, you can click on icon on the top navigation and then click , that should give you release version
35 replies