Greg Johnson
SKSignal K
•Created by Greg Johnson on 1/18/2025 in #questions
nmea0183 over TCP-victron ekranos nothing seen
Ahh, I had to reboot the server. Frustrating but good in the end!
14 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by Greg Johnson on 1/18/2025 in #questions
nmea0183 over TCP-victron ekranos nothing seen
14 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by Greg Johnson on 1/18/2025 in #questions
nmea0183 over TCP-victron ekranos nothing seen
I don't see that key available - there is signalk-server:interfaces:tcp:nmea0183 whic I guess might be the same thing?
14 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by Greg Johnson on 1/18/2025 in #questions
nmea0183 over TCP-victron ekranos nothing seen
Thanks @Teppo Kurki - I'll take a look
14 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by Greg Johnson on 8/8/2024 in #questions
B&G Performance plugin
I see this example - I can work up the corrected TWA/TWS using a mast rotation field like this:
module.exports = function(app) {
return {
group: 'vmg',
optionKey: 'vmg',
title: "Velocity Made Goog (based on courseGreatCircle.nextPoint.bearingTrue heading true and speedOverGround)",
derivedFrom: [ "navigation.courseGreatCircle.nextPoint.bearingTrue",
"navigation.speedOverGround" ],
calculator: function (bearingTrue, headingTrue, speedOverGround)
var angle = Math.abs(bearingTrue-headingTrue)
return [{ path: "navigation.courseGreatCircle.nextPoint.velocityMadeGood",
value: Math.cos(bearingTrue-headingTrue) * speedOverGround}]
19 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by Greg Johnson on 8/8/2024 in #questions
B&G Performance plugin
@Teppo Kurki I will look at the derived data plugin
19 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by Greg Johnson on 8/8/2024 in #questions
B&G Performance plugin
Yes, I have brought that in.
19 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by Greg Johnson on 8/8/2024 in #questions
B&G Performance plugin
Makes sense. Do you know of a plugin that can take a mast rotation angle and do the TWA/TWS calculations?
19 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by Greg Johnson on 8/23/2024 in #questions
influxdb plugin - first attempts
Is that a DNS problem? I'm not sure what tools I have to be able to diagnose DNS issues (on a Victron Ekrano) but maybe I'll try just the IP instead
4 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by Greg Johnson on 8/23/2024 in #questions
influxdb plugin - first attempts
Oops, I'd missed the NPM help. It seems most of the parameters don't need setting at all.
I generated a new API token and put that in, and it seems better - except that the error has changed to
Aug 23 02:17:23 WARN: Write to InfluxDB failed (attempt: 1). Error: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN <myhost>.com at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (node:dns:107:26) { errno: -3001, code: 'EAI_AGAIN', syscall: 'getaddrinfo', hostname: '<myhost>.com' }
4 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by Greg Johnson on 8/8/2024 in #questions
B&G Performance plugin
@HansT what calculates those values in your setup?
19 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by Greg Johnson on 8/8/2024 in #questions
B&G Performance plugin
Thank you @Teppo Kurki - I will try that!
19 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by Greg Johnson on 8/8/2024 in #questions
B&G Performance plugin
Ahhhh - is this what the 'derived-data' plugin does? Just noticed that.
I see calcs/trueWind.js in there, and while it doesn't know about mast rotation angle (not surprising seeing as N2K didn't implement a PGN for it) perhaps I just need to add a modified version of that code that includes my "rudder angle" (or "trim tabs" or whatever PGN I use for the rotation sensor)... Maybe this is the right direction?
I see calcs/trueWind.js in there, and while it doesn't know about mast rotation angle (not surprising seeing as N2K didn't implement a PGN for it) perhaps I just need to add a modified version of that code that includes my "rudder angle" (or "trim tabs" or whatever PGN I use for the rotation sensor)... Maybe this is the right direction?
19 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by Greg Johnson on 8/8/2024 in #questions
B&G Performance plugin
@Teppo Kurki sorry, I should have said that I'd looked at the plugin, but had trouble deciphering it. The readme really boils down to the first line "Generates B&G performance PGNs to be displayed on a Zeus" but if the source code is all in index.js, it looks like this is a mapper that takes SignalK paths and assembles a special PGN with key-value pairs. It doesn't actually do any of the calculations itself I think?
I hadn't realised that @HansT might be in here as well! Hans, if I have understood the purpose of your plugin correctly, may I ask how you generate (for instance) TWS from AWS, COG (or heading) and SOG (or speed)?
Am I correct in thinking that you are trying to replicate the functionality of the H5000? Maybe this plugin is just one part of the system and I just haven't gotten familiar with things yet?
19 replies