display count matching getTableRecordClassesUsing
Here's the solution. In this scenario, it looks for the value from the assessment column for that record and if its value is null, highlight the row with as priority (dark:border.etc if dark mode). If it's not null style it based on the value in the mission column. I then have different styles for each mission value that could exist.
4 replies
Policy for Settings Plugin?
I just implemented this code, which works to protect the page, but it appears to have caused a kink in the settings plugin. I can get to the settings page with the proper role, but it's no longer pulling up existing values from the database into the form. It writes the values to the database correctly, but going to the form after a successful save shows empty values in the form fields, yet the updated values are in the database. After uncommenting out the following code, it goes back to working correctly, except other users can get to it without this code:
6 replies
Write to cache after submit
I just don't want to make a DB call for a value used often, so I wanted to cache it in the file cache and then use Cache::get('start_date') to get the value when needed for a query. If that value is not in cache, then get it from the DB. Something like that
16 replies
Write to cache after submit
I could set this value in the .env file which will get cached, but I want to give admins the ability to set the value using a form, which in turn writes to the file cache so I can just reference the cache value instead of doing a DB call every time.
16 replies
TableWidget Actions not working as expected
I was trying to get the "Add Resource" button to show up in the table header of the TableWidget, like it does the table when viewing that table using the auto generated resource view page. I tried this, but it didn't make the button show up on the TableWidget:
19 replies