In filament simple resource how i use "getCreatedNotification" ? and update time "getSavedNotificat
You can edit the notification in --single on the CreateAction on top right on ListRecords :
->successNotification(fn() => ...)
Because all the controls of the modal are on this Action. Width, notification, ...
6 replies
ColumnSpan : Array to string conversion
In a stand alone form, I tested in multi forms and I have the same error. Can you try in your app if this code on any field returns an error?
I suspect a code bug in Filament or my entire application...
Thank's for help!
7 replies
Is it possible to add a mask to an email?
Of course I can, and I already use it as such, but I'm not looking for a workaround when we have the mask() method and we don't use it to its full capacity. Hence my question, does the mask() method have this capability?
5 replies
Access any field from form with anonymous action
Or maybe there is a method to attach an anonymous action to a component?
7 replies
Access any field from form with anonymous action
This method only retrieves the value of my field. And this is the only interaction we can have with anonymous form functions.
I am looking to be able to modify the appearance or retrieve information from my field.
For example, I'm looking to access my field so I can make it disabled once I click my anonymous action button.
I know that there is this kind of method but I cannot access my component as it is not linked to my action. It's impossible for me to do anything.
7 replies
Actions in renderHooks
It seems that my problem is linked to an action name and function name. If I do it this way, it works but I multiply the functions which I don't like:
If I name a function with a name different from the action name. It doesn't work anymore but my view show correctly but not the method
6 replies
Error getEditOptionActionFormData when using editOptionForm in Select without a relationship
same problem. Have you resolve this bug ?
An attempt was made to evaluate a closure for [App\Forms\Components\Select], but [$data] was unresolvable.
13 replies
createOptionUsing() doesn't select new value
It seems a bug... Same problem and I resolve it with :
4 replies
How to add requiresConfirmation() into modalSubmitAction() in Action
Thank's @Patrick Boivin, it works! I've find an another way to do that with :
Add this action in modal with modalSubmitAction, etc... :
And create a function who called when the submit button triggered with passing $data to $arguments :
But I prefer your method!
There is no cleaner native method to retrieve the parent's form? Or execute the parent's action from children like this :
9 replies
Reset in columns toggleable?
I want to add a button at the end of the toggle button or filters. I searched in the documentation but Filament doesn't have renderHooks in the toolbar header table.
So I created lots of simple render hooks that work like a charm in the toolbar header table. This would make Filament even more flexible but I don't know if @Dan Harrin is interested by this option. If he is interested, I propose me to make a pull request and add the renderHooks to the documentation?
It's only renderHooks like this :
{{ \Filament\Support\Facades\FilamentView::renderHook('panels::resource.pages.list-records.table.filters.end', scopes: $this->getRenderHookScopes()) }}
13 replies