Juan Duarte Molina
Juan Duarte Molina
Created by Juan Duarte Molina on 6/7/2024 in #❓┊help
Dependent fields in custom Filter ... Error - Possible Bug ?
Hi there.. I have a custom filter with dependent fields... Month (select) -> day(datePicker with datalist) .. With some combination it's not working properly. And the browser console show an error : Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'before') Tables\Filters\Filter::make('date')->label('Mes') ->form([ Forms\Components\Select::make('month_number')->options(Months::class)->live()->afterStateUpdated(fn($set) => $set('day', null)), Forms\Components\DatePicker::make('day')->datalist(function($get) { if($get('month_number')){ return $this->getDaysArray($get('month_number')); } return []; }) ]) ->query(function (Builder $query, $data) { if(!$data['day']) $q = $query->whereNull('day'); $q = $query->where('day', $data['day']); return $q; })->columns(2)->columnSpan(2),
Looking for a solution I find out a solution --> disabling this option in Livewire config 'inject_morph_markers' => true, it works But I don't know is there is further implication with this solution in the filament package Any help will be appreciated thanks
2 replies
Created by Juan Duarte Molina on 3/5/2024 in #❓┊help
Modify Label Options in RelationManager attach action
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8 replies
Created by Juan Duarte Molina on 2/14/2024 in #❓┊help
Merge resource $form with Pivot Fields
Hello there. I'm sharing form between Resource amd RelationManager as in documentation : https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/panels/resources/relation-managers#sharing-a-resources-form-and-table-with-a-relation-manager So far , so good. The problem is that the relation is a belongstomany (with pivot values). Is there a way to merge the forms with the pivot fields in the relation Manager form functio? thanks
2 replies
Created by Juan Duarte Molina on 1/25/2024 in #❓┊help
Disable submit button in a Wizard depend on "accept" checkbox
No description
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Created by Juan Duarte Molina on 11/9/2023 in #❓┊help
Translate RelationManager Title
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8 replies
Created by Juan Duarte Molina on 7/19/2023 in #❓┊help
MorphToSelect with allowHtml
Hello there I'm trying to use MorphToSelect & allowHtml.. but not working When I put allowHtml in the "main" MorphToSelect there is no result and the options appear as "<div><span> ...." When I try to put the allowHtml in the MorphToSelect into Types trow me an error : "Call to undefined method Filament\Forms\Components\MorphToSelect\Type::allowHtml()" Thanks My code : Forms\Components\MorphToSelect::make('Originable')->label('Lot Entrada') ->types([ Forms\Components\MorphToSelect\Type::make(ProviderBatch::class)->titleColumnName('code')->label('Proveïdors') ->modifyOptionsQueryUsing(function(Builder $query, Closure $get) { return $get('variety_id') ? $query->where('variety_id',$get('variety_id')) : $query->whereNull('variety_id'); }), Forms\Components\MorphToSelect\Type::make(ProductionBatch::class)->titleColumnName('code')->label('Generat') ->allowHtml() ->getOptionLabelFromRecordUsing(fn (ProductionBatch $record): string =>
view('filament.components.select-production-batch') ->with('code', $record?->name) ->render() ) ->modifyOptionsQueryUsing(function(Builder $query, Closure $get) { return $get('variety_id') ? $query->where('variety_id',$get('variety_id')) : $query->whereNull('variety_id'); }), ]),
1 replies
Created by Juan Duarte Molina on 7/12/2023 in #❓┊help
loading spinner
Hello I'm using Sushi Package to convert API request into model .. then I generate a resource to filament Admin Panel. So far , so god The problem is that it takes several seconds to load the page since I click the sidebar button ... Any way to create loading spinner (cloak) to inform something is happening ? Thanks
3 replies
Created by Juan Duarte Molina on 7/10/2023 in #❓┊help
FullCalendar invalid Key
Hello there Trying to use Filament FullCalendar Plugin .. once installed get the licemse key is invalid at the bottom of the calendar. Clicking in More Info they talk about "Use a downgraded version" Anyone has the same issue? Any way to solve it? Thanks
7 replies
Created by Juan Duarte Molina on 5/10/2023 in #❓┊help
remove clear action from database Notifications Modal
Hello there Any way to do that? Thanks
1 replies
Created by Juan Duarte Molina on 4/18/2023 in #❓┊help
diable edit form from a action
Hello there I need disable/enable de edit form (save button included) from a custom action button. This button will change one field of the record (1/0) I need to see the form but It cannot be modified without push that button (that change a field of the record Any Ideas? Thank you in advance
2 replies
Created by Juan Duarte Molina on 3/16/2023 in #❓┊help
Css change after form Page is loaded
Hello there. Using Filament v.2. great tool! But some users complain me about css changes after form Pages (create/ ediit) are loaded. It happens with input borders colors but specially with searchable inputs and file inputs (filepods) Specially annoying in slow connections and Big forms. Any idea how can I avoid this? Maybe a loader cloak - spinner? THX in advance
11 replies