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Created by avallete on 2/22/2024 in #help
Postrgres execute consitency accross adapters
Hi there, I'm wondering something about drizzle adapters. For some reason in my project I would like to be able to switch between drizzle postgres-js and node-postgres adapters (and other pg adapters) but use drizzle PgDatabase as the common ground to switch between them transparently. I have some complexes raw SQL SELECT queries that I use in a execute function (mainly because there is some complexes raw sql queries in it). This work well but I have one issue with his approach using drizzle-orm/postgres-js with postgres-js client or drizzle-orm/node-postgres with pg raise differents results, The first one return me the result array, the second will return an object where the data is under rows. So I do wonder if this might also raise different result types for others adapters and if maybe there is a better way to do this, preferably by allowing me to keep pure sql.raw queries execution.
1 replies
Created by avallete on 6/22/2023 in #❓-help
infiniteQuery always undefined cursor
Hey there ! I'm struggling a bit to understand who the useInfiniteQuery is supposed to work with React. I have a route fetching logs defnied like so: On the server:
export const execTaskGetLogs = webProcedure
execTaskId: z.string().nonempty(),
debug: z.boolean().optional(),
cursor: z.string().nullish(),
.query(async ({ ctx, input: { execTaskId, debug, cursor } }) => {
console.log('getLogs input: ', { execTaskId, debug, cursor })
return { logs: [...], nextCursor: `<my-cursor>` }
export const execTaskGetLogs = webProcedure
execTaskId: z.string().nonempty(),
debug: z.boolean().optional(),
cursor: z.string().nullish(),
.query(async ({ ctx, input: { execTaskId, debug, cursor } }) => {
console.log('getLogs input: ', { execTaskId, debug, cursor })
return { logs: [...], nextCursor: `<my-cursor>` }
On react I use it like so:
const liveLogsQuery = trpc.execTask.getLogs.useInfiniteQuery(
execTaskId: execTaskResult.execTask.id,
debug: execTaskResult.isAdmin,
keepPreviousData: true,
getNextPageParam: (lastPage) => {
console.log('getNextPageParams: ', lastPage)
return lastPage.nextCursor
refetchInterval: 3000,
const liveLogsQuery = trpc.execTask.getLogs.useInfiniteQuery(
execTaskId: execTaskResult.execTask.id,
debug: execTaskResult.isAdmin,
keepPreviousData: true,
getNextPageParam: (lastPage) => {
console.log('getNextPageParams: ', lastPage)
return lastPage.nextCursor
refetchInterval: 3000,
What I'm trying to achieve is: 1. Fetch new logs if there is new logs to fetch every 3000 milisec 2. Stop to try if lastPage.nextCursor is undefined at some point My issue is that on server side, my "cursor" parameter always stay "undefined":
🟩 WEB [query: execTask.getLogs]
getLogs input: {
execTaskId: 'clj7bs90q001ayu4ix356rtll',
debug: false,
cursor: undefined
🟩 WEB [query: execTask.getLogs]
getLogs input: {
execTaskId: 'clj7bs90q001ayu4ix356rtll',
debug: false,
cursor: undefined
🟩 WEB [query: execTask.getLogs]
getLogs input: {
execTaskId: 'clj7bs90q001ayu4ix356rtll',
debug: false,
cursor: undefined
🟩 WEB [query: execTask.getLogs]
getLogs input: {
execTaskId: 'clj7bs90q001ayu4ix356rtll',
debug: false,
cursor: undefined
I must be missing something.
3 replies
Created by avallete on 4/16/2023 in #❓-help
query debounce
Hey there ! I wonder if anyone could point me to a standard recipe to achieve query debouncing and caching using trpc and useQuery in react. I'm basically firing an api call everytime the user change his input which start to be quite a lot when he keep the "delete" key pressed on the keyboard.
6 replies
Created by avallete on 3/14/2023 in #❓-help
async inside link next handler possible ?
Hey everyone, Today I had to do a bit of refactor, and I'm wondering something. I had to turn a synchronous function into an asynchronous one, and ended up needing async into the trpc "link" like so:
// From
const link: TRPCLink<CLIRouterType> = () => {
return ({ prev, next, op }) => {
next(op, (result) => {
if (is401Error(result)) {

// to
const link: TRPCLink<CLIRouterType> = () => {
return ({ prev, next, op }) => {
next(op, async (result) => {
if (is401Error(result)) {
await asynchronousFunction(result)
// From
const link: TRPCLink<CLIRouterType> = () => {
return ({ prev, next, op }) => {
next(op, (result) => {
if (is401Error(result)) {

// to
const link: TRPCLink<CLIRouterType> = () => {
return ({ prev, next, op }) => {
next(op, async (result) => {
if (is401Error(result)) {
await asynchronousFunction(result)
Is that okay to do so? Turn the callback of next into an async ?
1 replies