Created by joenano on 11/21/2023 in #support
Computations created outside a render will never be disposed.
Just wondering whether I can ignore this warning or if its potentially a problem. Basically I have some tab components that are being created in a function and managed in a signal. When a tab is opened I add it to the array and when its closed I remove it from the array.
interface Tab {
index: number;
id: string;
title: string;
content: JSXElement;

const [selectedTab, setSelectedTab] = createSignal<Tab>();
const [tabs, setTabs] = createSignal<Tab[]>([], { equals: false });

export function addTab(event: Event, tab: Tab) {
setTabs((current) => {
return current;

export function closeTab(tab: Tab) {
const index = tab.index;

// update indexes of proceeding tabs
for (let i = index + 1; i < tabs().length; i++) {

// remove tab from tabs array
setTabs((current) => {
current.splice(index, 1);
return current;
interface Tab {
index: number;
id: string;
title: string;
content: JSXElement;

const [selectedTab, setSelectedTab] = createSignal<Tab>();
const [tabs, setTabs] = createSignal<Tab[]>([], { equals: false });

export function addTab(event: Event, tab: Tab) {
setTabs((current) => {
return current;

export function closeTab(tab: Tab) {
const index = tab.index;

// update indexes of proceeding tabs
for (let i = index + 1; i < tabs().length; i++) {

// remove tab from tabs array
setTabs((current) => {
current.splice(index, 1);
return current;
function loadSire(event: Event, title: string, sireId: number) {
const id = `sire-${sireId}`;

const content = <Content id={id} content={<Sire id={sireId} name={title} />} />;

const index = tabs().length;

addTab(event, { index, id, title, content });
function loadSire(event: Event, title: string, sireId: number) {
const id = `sire-${sireId}`;

const content = <Content id={id} content={<Sire id={sireId} name={title} />} />;

const index = tabs().length;

addTab(event, { index, id, title, content });
Is the memory handled by the garbage collector when I remove it from tabs array or is the warning related to something else im missing?
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