Automatic asset publishing when developing a plugin
I use
npm run dev
during plugin development. However, whenever I make changes to my CSS or JS code, I need to run filament:assets
as well. Is this step necessary, and is there a way to automate it?3 replies
Is save action name reserved?
Hi I added an action to my edit page. There is a section for that and I got the code from there. But when I named the Action as save, button is not working. I renamed the Action to save_button it's working now. Is this a bug or save name is reserved?
Section that I mentioned:
4 replies
How to show a verification modal before save
Hi i want to show a modal to user before form save with a condition. For example if user want to activate product i must ask "Do you really want to activate this product? This product is going to be sellable.".
Thanks for all help.
6 replies
Add a default value to an input that doesn't exist in my resource
I have price and percentage columns in my resource. When i update price or percentage inputs it updates my result input. This input is disabled. It's just shows result. But when i add default value to result it's not shows result in my edit form. I want to show initial value. How can i solve this?
8 replies