Created by Arghyaashu on 1/8/2025 in #❓┊help
CreateAction steps nextAction label
I have create a two step CreateAction CreateAction::make() ->disabled(fn() => $this->policies()) ->label(' Add Contact') ->steps(fn()=> $this->createForm()) ->createAnother(false) where I want to change the label of next action button. I tried using
CreateAction::make() ->nextAction( fn (Action $action) => $action->label('Next step'), ) but it doesn't support
2 replies
Created by Arghyaashu on 12/11/2024 in #❓┊help
Understanding Filament's Authentication Mechanism in Laravel Applications
I am working on a Laravel Filament application where authentication is managed by Filament. When testing the /login endpoint using the POST method in Postman, the response indicates that the POST method is not supported for the route admin/login. Could you explain how Filament handles the authentication process and what method or mechanism it employs for user authentication?
9 replies
Created by Arghyaashu on 8/23/2024 in #❓┊help
Close action modal with event
I have a table action which open a livewire component, I that livewire there is one more table action which open a modal(blade file) I want to close the livewire component when blade modal is open or close both blade modal and livewire component when blade modal is close
Action::make('link payment')
->disabled(fn ()=>$this->policies())
->label('Link Payment')
->extraModalWindowAttributes(['id' => 'orphan-payment-modal'])
->extraAttributes(['class' => 'orphan-payment-details']),
->extraAttributes(['class' => 'contact-search-table'])
Action::make('link payment')
->disabled(fn ()=>$this->policies())
->label('Link Payment')
->extraModalWindowAttributes(['id' => 'orphan-payment-modal'])
->extraAttributes(['class' => 'orphan-payment-details']),
->extraAttributes(['class' => 'contact-search-table'])
I tried giving id to livewire modal and dispatch close-modal event from second table action but it didn't worked
Action::make("Link Payment")
function ($record) {
$this->contact = $record;
$this->dispatchFormEvent('close-modal', ['id' => 'orphan-payment-modal']);
return [
$this->status ? View::make('filament.pages.payment-link-success-modal') : View::make('filament.pages.payment-link-failed-modal')
Action::make("Link Payment")
function ($record) {
$this->contact = $record;
$this->dispatchFormEvent('close-modal', ['id' => 'orphan-payment-modal']);
return [
$this->status ? View::make('filament.pages.payment-link-success-modal') : View::make('filament.pages.payment-link-failed-modal')
16 replies
Created by Arghyaashu on 7/12/2024 in #❓┊help
Modal on action
Action::make('refund') ->label(' Refund') ->requiresConfirmation() ->action(function ($record) { if ($paymentGateway == 'Payment Terminals') { $response = json_decode(ValorVirtualTerminal::issueRefundAPI($record->id),true); // dd($response); Notification::make() ->title('Refunded Successfully.') ->body($response['msg']) ->persistent() ->send(); } I want to open a modal and show the response in the modal not in notification, I have no clue how to do this can someone help.
6 replies
Created by Arghyaashu on 6/29/2024 in #❓┊help
Multiple Joins and filter with QueryBuilder
No description
18 replies
Created by Arghyaashu on 6/1/2024 in #❓┊help
Trying to mount an stripe element in the last step of wizard
No description
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