Johnathan B
Johnathan B
SKSignal K
Created by Johnathan B on 5/10/2024 in #questions
Generate Notification from "True" "False"
I have bilge sensors cross my boat using sensesp. Amongst other things they return a "true" or "false" of the state of a float switch. I have these displayed on a KIP dashboard. However last weekend I had a bolt failure on my saildrive that resulted in a minor leak. I realised I would really like to know about this more quickly in future. I have played with various plugins that generate notifications such as "Zones" but these all work with numeric values and not boolean values. Does anyone know of a plugin that can generate a notification from an existing path that is boolean please? Thanks
7 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Johnathan B on 4/2/2024 in #questions
Help Posting Values to SK
No description
11 replies