Created by treii28 on 10/23/2024 in #❓┊help
Create Comment - where to inject parent ID?
kk with the help of github copilot, I figured out that I could set a ->default() in the relationmanager: Forms\Components\TextInput::make('order_item_id') ->default(function () { $ownerRecord = $this->getOwnerRecord(); return $ownerRecord ? $ownerRecord->id : null; }) ->numeric(),
5 replies
Created by treii28 on 10/23/2024 in #❓┊help
Create Comment - where to inject parent ID?
OK, I was able to figure out the form is defined in the relation manager (and presumably i could call my getSchema from the resource manager if desired) But still need to know how to get the order_id in that context, and I will also need to get the user id. (I tried using Filament::auth()->id but that din't seem to fill in any value)
5 replies
Created by treii28 on 10/23/2024 in #❓┊help
Create Comment - where to inject parent ID?
Also, I assume that modal pop-over should have form fields. I have a statoc form method defined in the OrderCommentResource and even pulled the schema array out to a static getSchema() method, but it doesn't seem to be getting picked up by the model.
5 replies
Created by treii28 on 10/23/2024 in #❓┊help
Create Comment - where to inject parent ID?
No description
5 replies
Created by treii28 on 10/9/2024 in #❓┊help
Cascading/conditional form on polymorphic relations?
ok, why can't I see the post content anymore? This discord interface is as bad as the filament documentation.
5 replies
Created by treii28 on 9/26/2024 in #❓┊help
Run a javascript function when table is redrawn
I ran into another issue along the way in that my breadcrumbs and action buttons vanished as soon as I loaded the javascript using a custom ->getHeader() call to load a view with the script tags. It turned out the index.blade was looking for a non-null return from ->getHeader() with a elseif to display any output of ->getHeadings() I ended up having to track down the index.blade.php and pull out the second condition for ->getHeadings() and add it to my custom header template to get those to show up. There didn't seem to be any way built into filamentphp to get the default header items in a custom template short of repeating that code. Ugly IMHO. that sub-portion should be sub-templated so you can load it when needed without repeating code. (that's going to be an nightmare if they update anything)
11 replies
Created by treii28 on 9/26/2024 in #❓┊help
Run a javascript function when table is redrawn
My solution seems to work for the time being. But I would still like to know what I can use in the filament/livewire startup to trigger setting up the listener when they are done loading. Using the setTimeout method is cludgy at best and can potentially fail if something in the loading doesn't finish within the timeout period.
11 replies
Created by treii28 on 9/26/2024 in #❓┊help
Adding CSS to table group label/name
Furthermore, I might want to change it up on different view pages. The project I'm playing with to learn more about filament has three primary categorizations. Think of them as 'people', 'locations' and 'items'. Each item relates to a location. Each person can relate to items. So one list might have 'items by location', another 'items by person'. Still another way of viewing it might be to group by 'items related to people' than group those 'items by location' under each person. To make things more visually consistent, I might want to make location names Yellow, people names Green, items names Blue for example. So that regardless which is higher or lower in the heirarchy on any given page/view, the colors match so you can quickly pick out which is which. The point being, it will vary by page. Theming 'group heading' sitewide won't achieve this. An ability to specify a color or typeface in the group definition for each page would.
7 replies
Created by treii28 on 9/26/2024 in #❓┊help
Adding CSS to table group label/name
OK, but I'm not interested in changing the CSS for the entire website. I don't think this is a theme related issue. I have a single page that lays thing out using the groups. But there seems to be no way to tinker with the styling of the group heading that I can find. I just want those headings modified on this particular page. I know I can probably create a custom page and re-cycle the original template to add my own styling. I was just surprised I didn't see anything that would let you do anything more than specify what the group name would come from. There's no way to style that outside of theming the entire site or overriding the entire behavior? Seriously??
7 replies
Created by treii28 on 10/2/2024 in #❓┊help
text list form field? (is there any kind of contrib/repository for custom components?)
More detail: I have a field in a form/database that could probably be handled via a hasMany relation, but it's really little more than a fancy 'notes' section to the given record allowing me to create a bullet-list of details about that record. Since the values in the list vary greatly by context, I'm just using a text field and filling it with what amounts to the inner contents of a json array: "Item one", "Another items", "Something else" Currently, I'm not even formatting it for display or anything so I'm not parsing it out into an array anywhere, but just showing it as text. But this also means I'm entering the values and formatting them manually. I know how I could build a javascript pop-over to allow parsing and entering the values from a browser in javascript and have it achieve the necessary formatting as a syntactically parsable json array, but I'm wondering if anyone has ever built anything like this already before I go trying to figure out how to shoe-horn such functionality into filament and livewire. But this also got me to wondering if there were already collections of custom components already out there in internet land for things like form input fields, table display fields, infolist fields, etc. (I've already customized a table and a infolist field to trigger javascript for formatting a value with a tooltip popover using a third party library.) Getting this particular field to work how I envision it to work is more of a learning task as the project I'm working on is pretty much a sandbox project to learn more about setting up filament. (I decided to build a tool to track the items I need on various toons in warcraft classic) The field in question is notes on 'sources' for the given object. Mostly I'm using it for the boss names for drops, npc names for quests, but it might also include things like items you need to collect.
3 replies
Created by treii28 on 9/26/2024 in #❓┊help
Run a javascript function when table is redrawn
it triggers once for every record in the list it seems, thus the refreshOnlyOnce wrapper so it only triggers one time per resort/filter operation.
11 replies
Created by treii28 on 9/26/2024 in #❓┊help
Run a javascript function when table is redrawn
I think I found one in that list with morph.updated, but as mentioned, couldn't get livewire.load event to trigger. So instead I used a window onload with a 3 second set-timeout which seems to work for the time being. var rooTimeout = null; function refreshOnlyOnce() { if(rooTimeout) clearTimeout(rooTimeout); rooTimeout = setTimeout(doRefresh, 1000); } function doRefresh() { console.log('refreshing wowhead tooltips'); WH.Tooltips.refreshLinks(); } window.onload = function() { setTimeout(function() { Livewire.hook('morph.updated', ({ el, component }) => { refreshOnlyOnce() }) }, 3000) };
11 replies
Created by treii28 on 9/26/2024 in #❓┊help
Run a javascript function when table is redrawn
part of the problem seems to be that all the examples I find say to use an event listener for livewire.load but adding a console log inside just the outer function of that, the liverwire.load even never seems to trigger so any events I try to add within it never even get created.
11 replies
Created by treii28 on 9/26/2024 in #❓┊help
Run a javascript function when table is redrawn
yeah I've tried a number of them already and can't seem to get one to trigger on a resort. I'm not sure which one I should be using for re-orders and search/filtering.
11 replies
Created by treii28 on 9/23/2024 in #❓┊help
Nesting Breadcrumbs?
6 replies
Created by treii28 on 9/23/2024 in #❓┊help
Nesting Breadcrumbs?
(FYI: I already found a reference to getBreadcrumb but couldn't find any documentation on it. Searching the filament documentation using their website's search function only gives a references to 'getBreadcrumbs' [plural] is no public. I am considering switching to another platform because of how lacking the documentation is and how poor getting reasonably timed help is - that answer is not helping)
6 replies
Created by treii28 on 9/23/2024 in #❓┊help
Nesting Breadcrumbs?
uhhhh, ok. How? I could land an airplane by properly moving the various control mechanisms. That instruction won't get me on the ground in one piece. Examples?! Something in the documentation?
6 replies