Muhammad Umar Mughal Azeemi
Get table records
In a Filament table resource, I have created an action button on the list page. I want to export the data displayed in the table, and for that, I need to get the table data in a custom export class. The challenge is to ensure that when filters are applied to the table (e.g., if 5 users are displayed initially and after applying filters, only 2 users remain), the custom export should include only the 2 users shown after filtering. This means that the export should include all the records currently displayed in the table, whether filters are applied or not.
12 replies
Filament Shield Package
i create two panel admin panel and user panel.
so i create the resource in admin panel. according to filament shield when i allow permission to resource then it show in user panel But resource show in user panel without shield permission.
how i can fix this problem???
12 replies
Access Dashboard without Auth
'auth' => [
'guard' => env('FILAMENT_AUTH_GUARD', 'web'),
'pages' => [
'login' => \Filament\Http\Livewire\Auth\Login::class,
the filament access web guard from auth so i directly access dashboard without enter in guard
21 replies