Show only the records of users with 'user' role in a resource
Hello guys! I have two roles, admin and user, in User Resource, I want to only show the records that has a user's role. How do I implement a filter where once the User Resource is loaded, only the records with a user's role will show?
I've tried implementing the filter with a query but I want to know what else are better options.
5 replies
Custom Middleware in Filament
I have a custom login in my Filament app but the problem is I'm having trouble in preventing users from going back to my custom login. I implemented a prevent-back-history middleware in my custom login but it's not working.
I also added my custom middleware in
but whenever I pressed the back button, I always go back to my custom login.
How to add a custom middleware in Filament to prevent users from going back to my custom login page?
8 replies
Single Login and Register Process for Multiple Panels
Hello everyone! I'm a beginner in FilamentPHP. I have a question.
How do I achieve a single login and register process across multiple panels?
When I put ->login to the AdminPanelProvider, I can login in /admin/login, and when I put also ->login in CustomerPanelProvider, I can login in /customer/login.
I want to be able to have only https://localhost.../login and redirect the user to either the Customer or Admin Panel if it meets the required role. How do I achieve this in Filament?
Thanks in advance!
8 replies