Created by LazyGuard on 12/13/2024 in #help
Which Architecture to Choose?
Only of you move to a multiple worker setup
51 replies
Created by OrangeHokage on 12/17/2024 in #help
XAML UI Preview on Visual Studio
13 replies
Created by eli on 12/17/2024 in #help
Contains returning False despite same hashcode and Equals returning true
its a bit tricky using equals on collections, which is why SetEqual etc exists
80 replies
Created by eli on 12/17/2024 in #help
Contains returning False despite same hashcode and Equals returning true
since the internals for a HashSet uses the hashcode to index an array
80 replies
Created by eli on 12/17/2024 in #help
Contains returning False despite same hashcode and Equals returning true
which ARE cached
80 replies
Created by eli on 12/17/2024 in #help
Contains returning False despite same hashcode and Equals returning true
Id assume it calculates for b, but compares it to all known a
80 replies
Created by eli on 12/17/2024 in #help
Contains returning False despite same hashcode and Equals returning true
but it wouldnt be the cause of this problem, I think
80 replies
Created by eli on 12/17/2024 in #help
Contains returning False despite same hashcode and Equals returning true
because that would be a problem
80 replies
Created by eli on 12/17/2024 in #help
Contains returning False despite same hashcode and Equals returning true
are you mutating your QcPhotoSets at all after inserting them into any Set?
80 replies
Created by eli on 12/17/2024 in #help
Contains returning False despite same hashcode and Equals returning true
80 replies
Created by eli on 12/17/2024 in #help
Contains returning False despite same hashcode and Equals returning true
80 replies
Created by eli on 12/17/2024 in #help
Contains returning False despite same hashcode and Equals returning true
pretty much, yes
80 replies
Created by eli on 12/17/2024 in #help
Contains returning False despite same hashcode and Equals returning true
but it didnt at first :d
80 replies
Created by eli on 12/17/2024 in #help
Contains returning False despite same hashcode and Equals returning true
actually now im really confused. its saying yes to the original code now too
80 replies
Created by eli on 12/17/2024 in #help
Contains returning False despite same hashcode and Equals returning true
public override int GetHashCode()
var subhash = QcPhotos.Aggregate(0, (current, photo) => current ^ photo.GetHashCode());

return HashCode.Combine(Source, subhash);
public override int GetHashCode()
var subhash = QcPhotos.Aggregate(0, (current, photo) => current ^ photo.GetHashCode());

return HashCode.Combine(Source, subhash);
seems to work too
80 replies
Created by eli on 12/17/2024 in #help
Contains returning False despite same hashcode and Equals returning true
80 replies
Created by eli on 12/17/2024 in #help
Contains returning False despite same hashcode and Equals returning true
but after I changed QcPhotoSets hashcode, it did
80 replies
Created by eli on 12/17/2024 in #help
Contains returning False despite same hashcode and Equals returning true
a set with just a in it did NOT contain b at first
80 replies
Created by eli on 12/17/2024 in #help
Contains returning False despite same hashcode and Equals returning true
both set up "from scratch" so to speak
80 replies
Created by eli on 12/17/2024 in #help
Contains returning False despite same hashcode and Equals returning true
I have two of these, called a and b
80 replies