Created by Awady on 9/10/2023 in #❓┊help
how can i show/hide filter according to another filter ?
SelectFilter::make('class') ->options(function () { return ParticipationClass::get()->pluck('name', 'id')->toArray(); })->query(function (Builder $query, $data): Builder { if (!empty($data['value'])) { dd($data); $data = ParticipationClass::find($data['value']); $participants = $data->participants->pluck('id'); return $query->wherein('relatable_id', $participants); } return $query; }) ->visible(function (): bool { //todo }), ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -this is my code i need to get another filter value inside visible closure to show hide filter according to this boolean .
1 replies
Created by Awady on 7/18/2023 in #❓┊help
i need to run custom rule but this rule need some form inputs as parameters
i need to run custom rule but this rule need some form input as parameters how can i get email and mobile_number value
TextInput::make('password')->password()->rules([ User::getPasswordValidationRules() , new passwordExtraValidation(request()->email , request()->mobile_number)])
5 replies