Does blazor webassembly not contain a "backend" server?
dotnet new blazor will allow you to use server side(signalr/websockets), server side rendering(static) or wasm, all in one project, can be configured per component/page
server project/properties/launchsettings.json
remove this from the profile
"inspectUri": "{wsProtocol}://{url.hostname}:{url.port}/_framework/debug/ws-proxy?browser={browserInspectUri}",
is actually doing what i want, but it puts the files/folders in the root of the project, i want to have them in their parent folder such as Utils, Settings
❔ Python Decorators in C# ??? How do i intercept method calls with attributes?
my goal is to get rid of try catch in every method, i was thinking about a wrapper which handles the exceptions and may return null on production, with logging or email sending