Created by kartikey_maandothiya on 6/24/2024 in #❓┊help
Unable to locate a class or view for component [dynamic-component].
Nothing make any changes in filament. code i was creating custom package in lravael and set some layout for packages after that i got this error
1 replies
Created by kartikey_maandothiya on 5/25/2024 in #❓┊help
Image is not showing on filament admin panel
I saved full URL of image in database including domain url because I import image url from another panel of CMS, now its not showing in filament admin panel, because its not in storage folder. FilamentPHP admin panel can display these external images ?
10 replies
Created by kartikey_maandothiya on 5/22/2024 in #❓┊help
How to Access image in filament if I want to modify that .
How to Access image in filament if I want to modify that like I am trying to upload image on BunnyCDN and CDN's path want to update in DB, I dont want to upload image in local disk I created disk in FileSystem.php
'bunnycdn' => [
'driver' => 'bunnycdn',
'storage_zone' => env('BUNNYCDN_STORAGE_ZONE'),
'api_key' => env('BUNNYCDN_APY_KEY'),
'region' => env('BUNNYCDN_REGION'),
'bunnycdn' => [
'driver' => 'bunnycdn',
'storage_zone' => env('BUNNYCDN_STORAGE_ZONE'),
'api_key' => env('BUNNYCDN_APY_KEY'),
'region' => env('BUNNYCDN_REGION'),
public function boot(): void
Storage::extend('bunnycdn', function ($app, $config) {
$adapter = new BunnyCDNAdapter(
new BunnyCDNClient(
'https://ape-stegback-tj.b-cdn.net/development' # Optional

return new FilesystemAdapter(
new Filesystem($adapter, $config),
public function boot(): void
Storage::extend('bunnycdn', function ($app, $config) {
$adapter = new BunnyCDNAdapter(
new BunnyCDNClient(
'https://ape-stegback-tj.b-cdn.net/development' # Optional

return new FilesystemAdapter(
new Filesystem($adapter, $config),
public function mutateFormDataBeforeCreate($data): array
if (request()->hasFile('phone')) {
$phoneFile = request()->file('phone');
$fileName = $phoneFile->hashName();
$filePath = "eppsolar/slider/{$fileName}";
Storage::disk('bunnycdn')->put($filePath, file_get_contents($phoneFile));
$data['phone'] = Storage::disk('bunnycdn')->url($filePath);
public function mutateFormDataBeforeCreate($data): array
if (request()->hasFile('phone')) {
$phoneFile = request()->file('phone');
$fileName = $phoneFile->hashName();
$filePath = "eppsolar/slider/{$fileName}";
Storage::disk('bunnycdn')->put($filePath, file_get_contents($phoneFile));
$data['phone'] = Storage::disk('bunnycdn')->url($filePath);
5 replies
Created by kartikey_maandothiya on 1/18/2024 in #❓┊help
I am unable to get relation in custom page
No description
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Created by kartikey_maandothiya on 1/7/2024 in #❓┊help
How to hide Filament default footer from dashboard
No description
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