PGCPokémon GO Coordinates
Created by brixelbuilder on 7/24/2023 in #❓│support-pogo
Zygard cells
I know the event ends today, July 24th, and I know this event was about getting Zygard and catching his cells. I was wondering since you need so many of them if we would still be able to get them from routes after the event ended.
2 replies
PGCPokémon GO Coordinates
Created by brixelbuilder on 6/28/2023 in #❓│support-pogo
Reverting PGsharp
I have found literally no help or websites talking about how to delete PGS after installation so I can play on the actual even after hours of combing the internet. I know how to download it. But I have another account that I'll play the normal way which has all my progress. I want to be able to completely wipe all showings if PGS from my phone so I can then play the actual game. So basically, how do I completely purge my phone of PGS so I can then redownload the actual app. Also, can y'all confirm if PGS doesn't contain any viruses, data stealers/scanners/ and or trogen horses? Thanks!
15 replies
PGCPokémon GO Coordinates
Created by brixelbuilder on 6/24/2023 in #❓│support-pogo
Shadow regirock deadline
7 replies
PGCPokémon GO Coordinates
Created by brixelbuilder on 6/14/2023 in #❓│support-pogo
Need spoofer advice
I'm a bit new to the whole spoofer thing.(warning:long) I am only interested because I may use it in order to get a ditto so I can complete two stupid research tasks. With that information, I have some questions: 1. If I download something that allows me to spoof and I then am done with it, will I be able to remove the spoof thing from my game? And if so how extensive will the removal be? 2. What are the best spoofing things to use/download? I have already been told about Pgsharp(and I have been told by some that it is able to get caught and banned easily with), root, and ipogo. Also, which spoofer thing is the least noticed by Niantic ban system? 3. On the topic of root, I asked a similar and simplified version of some of these questions and some one told me to use root/ a rooter android. I am using an android so I am just confused on what they were saying. 4. The same person from question three said that I should get something that doesn't overlay the base game. Can that be explained more? 5. How long is a first offense spoofing ban? Along with that, when does the account if the player get auto locked out from bans? 6. Let's say that I use a device that has one account and then create a new account on that device. If I get caught spoofing on that new account and get banned, will Niantic ban my other account because they recognized that that account was also used on that device? Or will something similar happen? Basically will the other account be affected. Thanks so much! TLDR: I need info for Android spoofing.
14 replies