Created by Jon Mason on 11/1/2023 in #❓┊help
Tapping into email verification functionality.
I see. I was confused at first since you did not mention that you extended the EmailVerificationController although it was somewhat obvious. I actually figured it out this way and implemented a new function toResponse inside the controller which I called from the route too. My case and implementation was slightly different and included the whole logic inside one function. Your solution was very insightful and not oddly specific 🙂 class CustomVerificationResponse extends EmailVerificationController { public function toResponse(Request $request): RedirectResponse { $user = User::find($request->route('id')); if ($user->role === 'admin') { return app(EmailVerificationResponse::class)->toResponse($request); } $user->markEmailAsVerified(); $token = Password::broker()->createToken($user); $url = Filament::getResetPasswordUrl($token, $user); return redirect()->to($url); } }
22 replies
Created by Jon Mason on 11/1/2023 in #❓┊help
Tapping into email verification functionality.
@Jon Mason Your solutions almost works for me but I am just confused as to how to bind the custom VerificationResponse to act instead of the default EmailVerificationResponse. I tried to register it inside my service providers but It does not work. I suspect that are some different mechanisms in Filament
22 replies