Changed Log output on the Runpod website
we are using FastAPI in one of our applications on your run pods.
Since a couple of days the FastAPI log output is not displayed on the website's log window. In order to see the log output I have to start FastAPI via terminal now.
Have there been recent changes to the way logfiles are displayed on the runport website?
2 replies
error pulling image (US community server)
When creating a new community pod based in the US I get this message:
error pulling image: Error response from daemon: Get "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/": net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers
What is the problem here?
5 replies
how to route docker secrets to pod automatically
I have some credentials saved as runpod secrets. After creating a new pod using runpodctl, I manually have to add the secrets to the pod. Is there a way to have the secrets available in the pod, without manually adding them?
12 replies
runpodctl -> get public IP + exposed ports
Lets say I create a new pod using
runpodctl create pod --name 'Whatever' \
--imageName 'runpod/pytorch:2.0.1-py3.10-cuda11.8.0-devel-ubuntu22.04' \
--gpuType 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070' \
--communityCloud \
--ports 22,8000/tcp \
Is there a way that runpodctl tells me the new IP and the external port (mapping) ?
If not, is there any way to get them?
5 replies
CudaToolkit >= 12.2
When selecting the POD to deploy, I can filter the GPU supported cuda version up to v12.4. I suppose this refers to the CUDA display driver, right?
The runpod base images however, only provide up to "cuda 12.1.1" which is not the driver- but the cuda toolkit version, correct?
7 replies
are network volumes slower than "normal" volumes?
Hey everyone! I've been experimenting with network volumes because of their perk of not needing to reinstall everything whenever my pod 'looses' its GPU. However, I've noticed that the upload/download speeds are pretty slow every time I use them. Has anyone else experienced this? Do these volumes need a few hours or days to reach optimal performance, similar to AWS? I'd really appreciate any insights or experiences you might have!
6 replies