RunPod3w ago

slow secure cloud pod

I created a secure cloud pod in the Iceland region. The up- and download speed is indicated in the screenshot. If I load data on the pod from AWS S3, the real speed is 6 Mmbps. I tried on another pod in the community cloud and get ~100Mbps. Why is the first pod so slow? Which European region has the fastest pods, in terms of download speed?
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7 Replies
digigoblin3w ago
Best is trial and error, you can try EUR-NO-1, EUR-SE-1 and EUR-RO-1
xcxooxl3w ago
expriencing the same in US-OR-1 region seems like a wider problem
nerdylive3w ago
pod bandiwdth speed depends on the traffic its handling
digigoblin3w ago
I also experience faster speeds in community cloud than secure cloud most of the time. I think there are too many pods/machines in the secure cloud data centres that cause the network interface or network connections to become maxed out. Many people are complaining about the network speeds ALL the time, this is not the first time.
nerdylive3w ago
That's what I think too
JanE3w ago
ok, thanks for your answers... I sincerely hope that with the new funding Runpod will be able to upscale their infrastructure. The more I work with big train sets, the more I experience a lot of difference between pods that should all behave the same
digigoblin3w ago
I am not saying thats the reason, its just an assumption I am making due to so many reports/complaints about data transfer speeds.