Ryan Drewniak
DateTimePicker 12 hour clock format
Is it possible to make the DateTimePicker component UI use a 12 hour clock format instead of the 24 hour clock standard? I'm using v2, and my code currently looks like this:
I'm not concerned about the displayFormat, but how the user selects the time at the bottom of the datepicker element. With the time, just the user interface selectors at the bottom of the datepicker modal.
(i.e. I want to be able to select "12:00 PM" instead of "24:00")
3 replies
Notification after successful edit via table action
I have a table with an edit action, triggering a modal that contains the edit form for the model. I have to process some of the data before submitting the Eloquent update request. My plan was to check that the request was successful, then trigger a notification as the modal is closed.
My code looks like this applicable part of my code looks like this:
I'm successfully triggering my data processing, but the modal closes immediately after the
$updateAvailability = $availability->update($data);
call, and doesn't trigger a standard "save" notification. I've got this all handled within the action()
method of the EditAction
Is there a way to force in a notification on successful edit/update of the data model?3 replies
Customizing the table header
I'm trying to define some content that should appear below my table header action buttons.
I was originally, looking at specifying my own table header view file, which seems to work well, but I can't figure out how to include the header action buttons within that view file. Does anyone know if/how I would include the button actions in that view file (my code currently looks like this:)
This would be my ideal course of action, as it gives me the most precise control over my output. However, if that's not feasible, I've got another fallback (listed below).
I noticed that there is a element that appears below the element in the final output, but I can't find how to edit/specify that content. Could someone shed some light on how I would modify that content?
2 replies