WBWeb Bae
Created by infernus on 6/14/2024 in #❓︱questions
Smooth scroll in Webflow
I believe the GSAP smooth library is not compatible with Webflow, either due to sticky elements or Webflow interactions; I'm not sure which. The problem with anchor links is that when you click on one and scroll to the corresponding section, the page instantly returns to the top. I fixed this issue with a small piece of code I found on YouTube from someone named Diego Toda or something similar. However, the problem with the page glitching remains. It occurs when you scroll and then immediately grab the scrollbar with the mouse and move it up or down. Examples of pages with this issue: Is this a significant problem? What are the chances that someone will scroll and then immediately grab the scrollbar with their mouse?
4 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by infernus on 5/26/2024 in #❓︱questions
Infinite Marquee Problem
That's right, I switched from Eager to lazy load. I implemented Infinite Marquee with GSAP, and the situation is now better. In this case, I can use lazy load. This is a specific situation where I have 20 SVG icons, some of which are 60-70kb, so I believe that adds a lot of additional requests, which might slightly reduce the Lighthouse score. But yeah, this Lighthouse score varies by 10-15 points each time, haha 😅
4 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by Clayton on 4/7/2024 in #❓︱questions
No description
8 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by infernus on 4/4/2024 in #❓︱questions
Webflow Custom Code Limit
Why did they even allow uploading txt files in the first place? What are the chances that someday in the future they delete all those txt files and then the websites get corrupted? Should we perhaps contact support about this?
5 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by infernus on 2/22/2024 in #❓︱questions
Asteroids - Simple JS Game
Hey @Web Bae, I apologize, I forgot to respond. Yes, this article has helped me a lot, everything is explained very nicely, I managed to solve the problem. Thank you very much 🥹
42 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by infernus on 2/22/2024 in #❓︱questions
Asteroids - Simple JS Game
42 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by infernus on 2/22/2024 in #❓︱questions
Asteroids - Simple JS Game
Hello friends, it's me again with this game 😅 . I've encountered a new strange bug and I don't know how to fix it. I've set the appropriate difficulty level for the game, and it can be played for a few minutes, but then it becomes very difficult and fails. When I tested it, I did so on my 60Hz monitor. I noticed that when the same game runs on a 144Hz monitor, it speeds up slightly; the asteroids move faster towards the center, making it harder to play, but still manageable for at least a minute. However, when it comes to a 240Hz monitor, the game becomes too difficult and can barely be played for 10-15 seconds.
42 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by infernus on 2/22/2024 in #❓︱questions
Asteroids - Simple JS Game
Thank you. You've helped me a lot. Do you perhaps have an idea on how I could add a delay to the score window that appears when the user fails in the game? Sometimes, due to quick mouse clicks, the user accidentally presses "start game" again and fails to see their score.
42 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by infernus on 2/22/2024 in #❓︱questions
Asteroids - Simple JS Game
42 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by infernus on 2/22/2024 in #❓︱questions
Asteroids - Simple JS Game
one sec
42 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by infernus on 2/22/2024 in #❓︱questions
Asteroids - Simple JS Game
What is their parent element
42 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by infernus on 2/22/2024 in #❓︱questions
Asteroids - Simple JS Game
And why is the SVG of such poor quality 🤔
42 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by infernus on 2/22/2024 in #❓︱questions
Asteroids - Simple JS Game
I placed in Webflow in the <head> for .player and .projectile: position: absolute, for player z-index 2, and for projectile z-index 1, but still, the SVG logo is below the projectile.
42 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by infernus on 2/22/2024 in #❓︱questions
Asteroids - Simple JS Game
I managed to do it, but in the end, I don't like it because the ball I'm launching goes from the center of the SVG logo and crosses over it. Maybe it looks better when the SVG is an enemy 😅
42 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by infernus on 2/22/2024 in #❓︱questions
Asteroids - Simple JS Game
I did it, but for some reason, the game won't start now 🤔
42 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by infernus on 2/22/2024 in #❓︱questions
Asteroids - Simple JS Game
Now my enemies are SVG logos 😅 . I meant for the central point in the middle to be the logo, not the enemies In any case, incredible job. Thank you so much.
42 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by infernus on 2/22/2024 in #❓︱questions
Asteroids - Simple JS Game
Thank you very much, my friend, for your time.
42 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by infernus on 2/22/2024 in #❓︱questions
Asteroids - Simple JS Game
I still feel like it's a bit too easy; if I want to make the game even harder, do I just need to decrease this? if (spawnRate > 200) { spawnRate -= 50; } What if I want to replace the circular dot in the middle with, for example, a circular SVG icon, is that possible?
42 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by infernus on 2/22/2024 in #❓︱questions
Asteroids - Simple JS Game
Thank you very much for your time. Now the game is working properly, but it seems to me that the asteroids are now too slow, and there are fewer of them. I feel like I could play the game indefinitely.
42 replies